Saturday, August 11, 2007



Two months ago I downsized and moved into a one-bedroom apartment. My daughter has purchased a trailer will her future husband and I will be alone for the first time in over twenty-four years.

My new place has central air and heat, which meant I no longer needed my window units. In moving I gave in barter two small room units to the guy who moved me. I still had the big unit and had contacted friends looking for a buyer. The unit was big, only one year old and energy efficient. One young man told me he wanted it but didn’t have the money to pay me all at one time.

For two months that air conditioner has set in my living room. Finally I said enough, I’ll go down on the price and try to get it moved. I prayed last night and asked the Lord to show me why not only the unit wouldn’t sell but also why I also was not getting any of my regular customers for sewing projects. I needed the money to pay some bills that are due.

I didn’t hear from the Lord directly but felt this morning I should call this same young man. I told him I was lowering the price and would let him pay it out weekly. His reaction was “Thank You Jesus, I told you this when you first asked.” Within 30 minutes he was at my house. Ms. ---- I have prayed on that unit since you told me about it, because I need it. It is for me.

I just looked at him. Then I said yes it is for you, because I could not sell it to anyone else. God just amazes me always. Here is this young man praying for God to open the door for him to buy it, and not only does he get it, but at a lower price. As for LJG and myself we finally saw why it wouldn’t sell, and in time for the bills to be paid on time.

But that is not the end of the story. He had his chair in the vehicle and had been asking me to recover it. So I told him to leave it. We set a price and I did tell him the price God laid on my heart to do the work. He is getting a very good deal. So not only did I sell the unit, I got sewing. On top of that we both are receiving double blessings. The door has also opened for us to talk about Christ.

It is all about waiting on the Lord. The Lord knew everything and we knew only what we saw, but we stood on God’s promise to prosper and supply all our needs. He stood on his prayer that that unit was his.

LJG and I laughed about it afterwards. We had done what we usually do when we don’t get an answer. We searched ourselves, we looked for unforgiveness, and then we just stood. LJG told me one night she just did not understand why the answer wasn’t here. I said I am standing. It was all we could say, she said her to.

Everything we face in life in Christ rests in Him. We do our part and then we step back and let Him finish. He always knows the end of the story.

I can see clearly now exactly what God was doing. He was bringing me growth in waiting, which I needed. He was lowering the price to fit this young man’s budget. If I had got sewing in from my regular customers I would not have gone down on the price. God caused a door to close so this man could be blessed.

Now the door is open and I give God all the glory and the praise. If there is a door in your life that is shut right now, remember that if you are focusing on God He knows the end and it will be all right.

God Bless,


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