Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Obadiah 1: 3-4
3) The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?
4) Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD.

God is giving us a warning not to let ourselves get puffed up with believing we are the greatest. There are so many people that have set themselves above the very ones who love them the most and even those who don't.

Oh yeah, they will fly with the eagles and think everything and everybody is going their way. But in order to grow they will have to be brought down.

Now listen to this, all the enemies of God's church shall be disappointed in the things they stay themselves on. God can easily lay those low who magnify and exalt themselves; and will do it. Carnal security ripens men for ruin, and makes the ruin worse when it comes. Those that make flesh their trust, arm it against themselves. The God of our covenant will never deceive us: but if we trust men with whom we join ourselves, it may prove to us a wound and dishonour. God will justly deny those understanding to keep out of danger, who will not use their understandings to keep out of sin. All violence, all unrighteousness, is sin; but it makes the violence far worse, if it is done against any of God's people. Sin, looked upon in the glass of the commandment, will appear exceedingly sinful. Those have a great deal to answer for, who are idle spectators of the troubles of their neighbours, when able to be active helpers. Those make themselves poor, who think to make themselves rich by the ruin of the people of God; and those deceive themselves, who call all that their own on which they can lay their hands in a day of calamity. Though judgment begins at the house of God, it shall not end there. Let sorrowful believers and insolent oppressors know, that the troubles of the righteous will soon end, but those of the wicked will be eternal.

So what is it going to be with us? Are we going to continue on being insolent and uncaring to those around us? Are we going to continue to set ourselves above others and oppress them? If we don't humble ourselves then rest assured we will be punished for eternity.

Only God knows how to bless us and our families. Lets let Him do His good work in our lives.

God's Blessings to each of your,


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