Monday, September 03, 2007


The Three-Step Plan

The person who thinks of righteousness instead of sin is valuable to God, to himself and to others around him. That person will also be there when you need them. On the other hand the sin-minded, defeated Christian will not be, and I think you know why. They are so caught up in their own life’s and problems, they can’t help themselves much less any one else.

A trap most of us have fallen into is the open door trap. If God opens the door we will, if He doesn’t, well it must not be His will. If the “open door” is evidence of the will of God then the Apostle Paul was never in God’s will. Paul had obstacles and barriers throughout his entire ministry. Wherever he was he took the Word of God and knocked the doors open in order to get the job done. He did his job in spite of the obstacles.

Sin consciousness will look for a way out of everything. We don’t have the money. We can’t get off work. You have to look for a way in. Matthew 6:3 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Another way that people have been deceived is in “putting out the fleece.” You have to be careful asking for a physical sign. It is looking for a physical sign from God, and if you are not careful, you can get fleeced.

Gideon used the fleece method. In his situation he was not a born again Christian. He had no knowledge of God. There was no prophet in the land to give him the Word of God. The prophet in those days was the only source of revelation knowledge. Lastly Gideon was dealing with an angel, something completely foreign to him. In his position he had no choice but to put out the fleece, to get a physical sign showing him what to do.

As believers we are not like Gideon. We have been born again and are led by the Spirit of God. We have the Bible to use as a written guide in finding God’s will for our life’s. If we do not know what to pray in a particular situation, go to the word of God, spend some time in prayer, meditate in the Word, and the Lord will begin to lead you. He said, “My sheep hear My voice…” John 10:27

The leadership of the Holy Spirit will let you know what to do. We do not have to look for signs to lead us. Our spiritual eyes will guide us, we are not blind. And when you put out a fleece you are giving the devil a chance to foul up your plans, because the physical world is his field of operation.

Now to the 3 Step Plan. Nothing can stop it. Every Christian endeavor will succeed when it is backed with this kind of prayer and dedication, because God is behind it.

1. Find the will of God in your situation by prayer and meditation in the Word.
2. Once you have found the will of God, confer no longer with flesh and blood. Don’t ask others what to do. You may discuss it with a spouse or mentor, but once you have prayed and know the will of God, then it doesn’t matter what they think about it.
3. Get your job done at all costs. Don’t allow anything or anyone to stand in the way of God’s will.

I will add here start a prayer journal. As you pray and medicate, write down your thoughts. Be sure to date your journal and use it for references. It will show you how God is working in your life.

For this to work we must come to the realization that we have complete access to the ministry of Jesus. Let’s look at John 16:13-15 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. 14) He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew [it] unto you. 15) All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew [it] unto you.

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will receive what I have and show it to you. Everything the Father has is mine, and I, Jesus tell the Spirit of truth that he can take it and show it to you. Wow, that is something powerful to read, even more so to realize that it belongs to each of us.

The Spirit of God is set into an earthly ministry just as legal and real as Jesus' ministry. Jesus came to provide the way for us. The Holy Spirit has come to teach us the way. Jesus came to fulfill the Abrahamic Covenant. The Holy Spirit has come to show us that the Christian covenant is fulfilled

The Spirit of God did not take the place of Jesus-He is God the Holy Spirit, and He is fulfilling His own ministry as God the Father directed Him.

The Word of God and the Name of Jesus have taken Jesus place hereon earth, Jesus said, “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” John 9:5 and then He went on to tell us”…believe in the Light, that ye may be the children of light.”

As new creations in Christ we have the Name of Jesus, the Word of God and the Spirit of God to enable us to stand and minister in the place of Jesus.

God Bless,

P.S. LJG and rECj want you to know that untill the Lord lifts you from us, we will continue to pray for you. We do care, more than you believe. If you have been reading this site you know that we have our arms open to anyone that is seeking to have a relationship with the Lord, or to find out just what is so special about the God we serve. We do not judge anyone. If God can forgive you, then who are we to judge you. We are here if you need us. God Bless you, keep you under His wings of protection, and open your eyes to the mighty saving power of our Savior Jesus Christ.


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