Monday, November 05, 2007


BOOK ~ A sealed book is one whose contents are secret (Isaiah 29:11; Revelation 5:1-3). To "eat" a book (Jeremiah 15:16; Ezek. 2:8-10; 3:1-3; Revelation 10:9) is to study its contents carefully.

SOURCE: Easton's Bible Dictionary

Matthew 23:23 (King James Version)Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

The Laws were given to Moses, and had been with the Israelites since then. Ezra started a study of the laws after the destruction of the Temple. This study would continue even till the time of Jesus, and many traditions were raised up because of it. The purpose of the study was to more fully understand the Laws, and how they were to be followed. The scribes with professional students and guardians worked out a set of regulations for every occasion.

An example of this is in the 39 types of actions that were prohibited on the Sabbath. One action was “not taking anything from one place to another.” It is easy to see why this could be a problem, anything also meant anyone, so how could a person get from one place to another if that action was prohibited. Then there was Temple, how does one get to Temple without moving from one place to another. It was determined that the normal or average journeys to Temple were 2/3 of a mile. Travel was then limited to a Sabbath day’s journey.

The study was meant to help the people have a better understanding of the Laws, so that they could keep them. It is easy to see why Jesus said they had more concerns for the details then the fundamental concerns of the law.

We are not to change the Laws, any more then we are to change the commandments. You would think that in the original Laws that no travel on the Sabbath meant do not go to the next town. In other words do not take a trip. It certainly did not mean not to go to Temple.

My Dad told me along time ago that some people would take the Bible apart so much, they couldn’t put it back together. God plainly tells us not to add or take away from His Words. It is in the adding and taking away that we change what was meant to be understood.

It is okay to study, we need to study. But, do not study the Word into something it is not. LJG and I cannot say enough seek God first and all else will fall into place.

God Bless,

Revelations 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.


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