Friday, April 11, 2008


When God reveals His Names to us, He is showing us His character, purposes, and will. The right use of His Name puts us in a right relationship with God Himself. By looking at the many Names of the Lord we can paint pictures of Him and His promises. God’s Names show us authority and power.

In many places the Lord is called the Name. Genesis 12:8 tells us that Abraham called on The Name of the Lord. Exodus 33:19 says the Lord proclaimed His own Name. There are many other such scriptures. The Name is used as a point of focus. WE can also conclude that it refer’s to God’s whole character, embodying the entire person of God.

In the New Testament we see the same with Jesus. John 1:12 Salvation is through His Name. Prayer is to be made in His Name, Matthew 18:20

In both the Old and New Testament the Name spoke of the Holy character of God the Father, and God the Son.

Word tells us in these scriptures:
Revelation 1:8
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Revelation 1:11
Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.
Revelation 21:6
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
Revelation 22:13
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
We know that there is one and only one God.
Exodus 20:3
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Exodus 23:13
And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.
Deuteronomy 5:7
Thou shalt have none other gods before me.

Elohim is the plural form of EL, which means ‘strong one.’ It can be used concerning false gods, but when used of the true God it is the plural of majesty and intimates the trinity. It is used to tell us of God’s sovereignty, creative work, mighty work for Israel and in relation to His sovereignty. A few compounds of EL are:
El Shaddai, which means ‘God Almighty’ the loving supply and comfort of God, the One who corrects and chastens.
El Elyon telling us He is the ‘Most High God’ the One who is strength, sovereignty and supremacy.
El Olam tell us He is unchangeable and inexhaustible “The Everlasting God”.
YHWH means to exist, to be, it stresses God as the independent and self-existent God of revelation and redemption. I looked further at this Name and found out some interesting facts about it. It is the four letter Name represented by the letters Yod-Hei-Vai-Hei. Referred to as the Ineffable name, Unutterable Name or Distinctive name. It is frequently shortened to Yah, Yahu, or Yeho. Some rabbis believed to pronounce YHVH was a reason to be put to death. They used the Name Adonai or simply ‘HA-Shen’, which means The Name. As to the actual pronunciation of the Name YHVH, that has been lost through the ages. The correct pronunciation was passed down for many generations and was eventually lost. Scholars would write the vowels of the name Adonai under the letters to remind people not to read it. From this came the word JeHoVah which stuck, this pronunciation is probably unlikely.

The more we look at His Names, and learn to understand them, the more we know about God and who He desires to be to each of us that know him. He wants to be the Only One for us, the beginning and the end. No other before or after Him. The One who supply's us with love and comfort as this world cannot. He is the only strength that we can rely on that will not fail us. He is totally dependable as He never changes.

We love you and our prayer for each of you today is to be blessed going out and coming in. We pray that each one of you and ourselves will continue to grow and prosper in Him. May His hand be on you in each step you take, guide you as you go to the left or the right. Today may He put in your pathway a person that need and desires to know the truth about our Precious Wonderful Saviour, and that He Himself will put the very words in your mouth that will touch their hearts as it has never been touched before. Go and do with the Grace of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

God Bless,


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