Sunday, April 06, 2008


Tree of the knowledge of good and evil ~ Stood in the midst of the garden of Eden, beside the tree of life (Genesis 2, 3). Adam and Eve were forbidden to take of the fruit which grew upon it. But they disobeyed the divine injunction, and so sin and death by sin entered our world and became the heritage of Adam's posterity.
Thank you to each and everyone that is leaving comments. It not only lets us know that people are reading, but opens up doors for new articles.

"Excellent! I have personally gone back and forth as to whether I believe the tree actually "did" something. I do believe that God created this world with everything we'd ever need. A cure for every ailment. A way to stay whole, healthy and vigorous. But I believe also that when the door was shut on the Garden, that a door was shut on that knowledge. Death was let loose in the world I believe, because a Holy God could no longer walk upon as He did with Adam. - Barbara" Comment left at Axe Head article.

Thank you Barbara. Adam and Eve had everything they needed and that did not include illness. Life then was as God intends it to be. Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They did not loose that knowledge when they were put out of the Garden of Eden. What they did not eat of was the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life would have let them live forever. Without sin we would not have needed the Tree of Life. The door to eternal life had the door shut to it. Because of the death of Jesus now that door is open to us again. Without the evil coming into the world we would not have had that door shut. God and evil which is sin cannot reside in the same place. Because the knowledge came out with them into the world it is still here.

Everything that is in the world today is because of knowledge, it can be used for good or evil. I wonder if when designing the first car if any thought went into how many deaths will this cause through auto accidents. How many life’s will be destroyed? You can look at each invention in this world today and ask the same question. My personal favorite is why did anyone develop the bra? Depending on who you are, you might or might not need a bra. It was invented though for the purpose of uplifting. True fact but I am being funny.

God did not stop walking the earth as He did with Adam. He walked and talked with many great men of God. The greatest we can think of is Moses. There is of course Noah, Elijah and others and still today there are many of us that He does walk and talk with. As He did for Adam and Eve He can and will for us. The door was shut to those that do not desire for it to be open. It is also shut to those that do not know it can be opened for them. He tells us in His Word to knock and the door shall be opened. Which leads us to how do we open the door? Many of us are in churches that do not teach us how to get on a higher level with the Lord.

We can desire something but not know how to get it. We look for instructors to teach us and find none. We turn to the Bible, the true Word of God but lack a deep understanding of now to put all the puzzles pieces together.

LJG and I both have had and still face times when we have to seek and search. Questions come up that we do not understand, or can find reason for. Right now LJG faces something in her life that has been there for a number of years. She has no answers that would make sense to anyone including herself, but because of her relationship with Christ she looks it straight in the face and speaks what she knows God has said and continues going forward.

Myself right now at this moment I am faced with something that only a miracle can answer, and I believe that miracle is going to take place. This morning when doubt tried to raise it’s ugly head, I spoke God’s own words to it. Though I do not feel anything, or see anything at this moment, I know that God cannot lie to me. Nor can He lie to any of us.

Yes Barbara a door was shut, and one day it will be completely open, for all. Jesus paid for that door to be open to us completely now, today, right here and now. The keys belong to Him and He shares all the good things the Father has given Him, with us.

There are many things I do not understand. Take a look at rain and I can’t help but wonder how many years it took scientists to come up with this. "Rain plays a role in the hydrologic cycle in which moisture from the oceans evaporates, condenses into drops, precipitates (falls) from the sky, and eventually returns to the ocean via rivers and streams to repeat the cycle again. The water vapor from plant respiration also contributes to the moisture in the atmosphere.A major scientific explanation of how rain forms and falls is called the Bergeron process. More recent research points to the influence of Cloud condensation nuclei released as the result of biological processes."

Myself I like rain a lot and LJG calls it God’s music. Personally I really don’t care how it happens, I just enjoy it when it does. I even like thunder storms, to me lightening is beautiful, of course I don’t go out in it, that is dangerous.

My point being we will never on this earth understand how and why of eveything that happens, but we have the comfort of the Holy Ghost because of that tree. Then there is also this question? Didn’t God know what Adam and Eve where going to do? Yes, He did. He had a plan all alone, and that was that He Himself would come to earth as a Human and show us all that it could be done.

Think on that a bit, He became flesh to show us it could be done, and even then knowing that it could be done, He gave us a way out [forgiveness] when we couldn’t. Now I don’t know about you , but that is certainly a reason to shout and say "Hallelujah". Which if you didn’t know means "Praise the Lord".

God Bless each one of you today as you go out and about in this world enjoying the knowledge that all good came from our God. Ask questions of anything that concerns you, and keep asking until you have an answer, which might just be the peace of God and nothing more. It will though be an answer.



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