PROPHET ~ Any one being a spokesman for God to man might thus be called a prophet. Thus Enoch, Abraham, and the patriarchs, as bearers of God's message (Genesis 20:7; Exodus 7:1; Psalm 105:15), as also Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15; 34:10; Hosea 12:13), are ranked among the prophets. The seventy elders of Israel (Numbers 11:16-29), "when the spirit rested upon them, prophesied;" Asaph and Jeduthun "prophesied with a harp" (1 Chronicles 25:3). Miriam and Deborah were prophetesses (Exodus 15:20; Judges 4:4). The title thus has a general application to all who have messages from God to men.
Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary

Abraham showed his faith by his works. James 2:14-24
Praise the Lord. I am blessed going out and coming in. Much is going on in my life that is bringing about many changes in many things.
I am in a new department at work, with a wonderful group of ladies that work together, including the manager who works side by side with us. It also means an increase in hours, and later hours at night. What is most amazing about work is the Christians seem to be ‘coming out.’ P and I have never hidden our love for the Lord, be it in the break room, outside or in the store aisle. We have laughed at how others seem to be drawn to us when we start a conversation, and that is something we do not mind. The only thing we do talk about is Christ. We recently saw a healing of a young lady we prayed for in another department, yes in the store. She was so excited, and is now standing on the word of God for further healing in her body. My department manager was also healed of a bad headache one day. I must share this account with you though. When I first got to her department she said pray for an increase in sales, to which I said I already have. Well the other day she told me you must have been praying this is too much. Yes our profits have increased over and above what was being sold before and for this weekend holiday, we have already increased over a thousand dollars in our department, compared to last year during the 4th of July holiday. God is awesome isn’t He? And I must mention the young man who is a stocker who noticed me walking slow one day and asked what was wrong, I was not my usual self. I told him my feet were swollen, which they were after an 11-hour shift. He looked at me and said I will pray for you. Shock, neither P or I had any idea he was a Christian, and yes my feet shortly after I got home were suddenly normal.
Yes the Christians are ‘coming out’ and we, P and I both love it. Others are asking for prayer and if I bring scriptures to work for one person another is asking for a copy.
P is a young man at work that we honestly do not know how we started talking. He is an assistant Pastor at our church. Yes I said our church; I will share that in a moment. But P is such an encouragement to me. We look for each other to share a Word, or anything that God is doing in our life’s. People at work at first thought something was going on between us, which it was, they just couldn’t figure out what it was. We have had people just come up and listen to us talk, and a few even asked what was up. We tell them we love God.
Yes I have found a church, P invited me to a revival at his church, where a young evangelist from another church was speaking, and I went. Needless to say as good as the young man was I was drawn in the Spirit to P’s Pastor. I knew there was something about his man of God that I wanted to know more about. Well I attended services and between him and his wife, I knew this is where I am to be. They are both so on fire for the Lord, and they are teachers, which is important to me. I know that being under them will be a valuable lesson and experience.
As we grow we change and with those changes come new challenges, and adjustments. With this also comes changes that directly and indirectly affect those around us. As you have noticed I have not been writing on a regular basis as I used to. I have not been pleased with my writing lately, feeling rushed to get an article done for tomorrow. I wanted to stop writing, as my best was not good enough. I spoke to LJG and my heart knows the joy she receives from getting the sites up each day for the Lord. I also knew that I could not go on as before.
After today I will not be writing an article each day. I will be doing a scripture of the day and an article on Friday. This way I can put more time into doing what I love to do, researching and writing, but still have a post for each day.
We pray that those of you who are our regular readers will continue to read us and be enlightened by His word. As always we encourage all to pray and study the Word and seek God for yourself. We all need words of encouragement and that is what we have strived to do.
Never forsake the gathering together of the body of Christ. We will remain as always here to encourage you to seek Him and seek Him more abundantly.
God Bless,
Thou who hast given so much to me, give me one more thing - a
grateful heart!
-- George Herbert
Source: Pastor John
Crossroads Baptist Church
(904) 376-5049
Labels: blogging, careers, dating, dreams, faith, goals, health, hopes, jobs, life, life relationships, plans, poetry, relationships, religion, romance, sermons, travel, work, writing
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