Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Blasphemy is a noun dating from the 13th century. It is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God; the act of claiming the attributes of deity; irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable.
In the 17th century Quakers were persecuted for their beliefs and practices that the older churches regarded as blasphemies. Today many are persecuted for the same. Each religious group feels that it is the right way.
Heresy is unverified; unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge; an item of idle or unverified information or gossip; rumor; a malicious hearsay.
In English "blasphemy" denotes any utterance that insults God or Christ (or Allah, or Mohammed) and gives deeply felt offense to their followers.
The Biblical concept is different. In the Old Testament there is no Hebrew word equivalent to our English Blasphemy. Translators use the word blaspheme for the verb curse or despise, with God as the object. The Greek root blaspheme, used 55 times in the New Testament, has a wide meaning. In neither Testament is the idea of blasphemy something that offends the religious sensibilities of others. It is completely absent.
When we use of the word blasphemy we are speaking of someone who personally insults or curse's God, by word or deed. In the Bible there is no distinction between those who abuse the Name of the Lord [Le 24:10-16], or flout His commandments [Nu 15:30-31]. For both the death penalty is prescribed.
Many people today are misinformed about the use of this word.
So today to set the record straight M., I give you an answer. I doubt you want to hear it, but knowledge is wisdom, and wisdom comes from hearing the Word of God. LJG and I have never put heresy on any of our sites, and we most certainly have never blasphemed the Lord. We have upset some carts, we have stirred the waters, and hopefully we can get you to open your eyes to the full life that Christ has for all those who look to Him and not to man made traditions.
For the rest of those who read these sites NOW you have the rest of the story on what this word really means.

God Bless Indeed,

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