Sunday, February 28, 2010


The Other Side

We have all received one of those phone calls, someone we know is in trouble, but no one knows what is going on. It is a shock as we know this person, in my case watched them grow up, nice, well respected in the community, what could this child, who is now a young man, possibility have done.

I did not want to call the family, so I went on-line. The young man was arrested by ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] on three separate charges involving child pornography.

The family has been involved in civil rights, and in the community. One grandfather was the first black police officer, who rose in ranks to become our first black assistant Chief of Police, he was also a councilmen, his wife a well known and respected school teacher. The other grandfather is known in the area for driving the horse drawn cart selling vegetables, he was one of the richest men in town, his wife was a highly respected house wife. His father was Chief of Police, his mother a head surgical nurse. His only sibling, a sister is an assistant D.A. His uncle a State Representative, local attorney and known for his Christmas Toy drive.

The young man had served as a city councilman and was a well liked high school teacher. He had called in that morning, shortly before his arrest and resigned for personal reasons.

As I sit here I think of a few people I have warned my grandson to keep away from. How I have talked to him about being careful, not letting him play at the park next door. All the things I have done to keep him safe. And here is a young person that I would have trusted to take him to the store, or to the park.

And then I think of my dear friend, the young man's grandmother. What can I possibility say to her, except I am there for you, you are in my prayers. I think of his own four children and yes I wonder, and try to put the thought out of my mind.

Is the reality that we cannot be to careful, never careful enough. My grandson as many other children will never know the freedom to just go for a walk along, until he is much older. I remember at his age walking a block to the store along, something my grandson has never done.

We let them take God out of everything and then we watch the results, as this country falls further and further into a pit. A few can make a difference, and those of us that are praying will continue, no matter what we are looking at.

God Bless Indeed,

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