Friday, April 23, 2010


What a glorious God we serve. In all His majesty, He is there standing before us. We are blessed beyond anything we can believe or imagine in the love that our Saviour has for us. Oh what a wonderful God we serve.

Today I want you to take a few mintues and look at yourself. Do you like everything you see in yourself? I for one can honestly say there are things in my life that I would like to change, areas that I want to grow in, and things that need to go. So today I ask you to get a new tablet, or start a fresh booklet [however you keep your notes] and start writing the things you would like to see changed in your life.

The second thing I would like you to do while you are looking at yourself, is be honest about your personility. What you might think is bad, might just be what God has planted in you to be the person He needs you to be. For myself that is being outspoken, sometimes a little to blunt in what I say. But the gift I have when used in line with the Word of God is what allows me to be bold enough to speak the truth. What I thought at one time was a fault is what God intended for me to use to glorfiy Him.

God created us, and it is up to us to use the gifts He gave us in His way not ours. How many recording stars can you think of right off hand that started off in church choirs, then made the big time and left the church behind. Look at what has happened to them. They went after the money and attention, and look what it has got them.

Thankfully we have a forgiving God that we can go to at any time, no matter what we have stepped into ourselves with our freedom of choice.

God Bless You Indeed


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