Wednesday, April 14, 2010


John 6:5 Jesus then lifting up His eyes and seeing that a great crowd was coming toward Him, said to Phillip, Where shall we buy bread that these may eat?

The Passover was near at hand, the time to slay the redeeming lamb. But here we have the Lamb Himself asking Phillip where shall we buy?

Jesus came that we might know that He alone is Life and our life supply. The tree of life, brings in life, in contrast to the tree of knowledge which brings death.

The bread of life became life [verse 35]. The flesh of animal is life and is not only for feeding but for redeeming. The Lord became the Lamb. Dying for us that we might have life.

To separate blood and flesh means death. Christ gave His body and shed His blood so we may have eternal life. To eat His flesh is to receive by faith all that He did in giving His body for us. To drink of His blood is to receive by faith all that He accomplished in shedding His blood for us.

Verse 56 He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me and I in him.

To eat and drink the Lord is to receive Him into us that He may be assimilated by the regenerated new man in the way of life.

It is as the life giving Spirit that He can be life and the life supply to us. When we receive Him as the crucified and resurrected Savior, the Spirit who gives life comes into us to impart eternal life into us. We receive the Lord Jesus, but we get His Spirit who gives us life.[Verse 63]

God Bless Indeed



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