Sunday, April 11, 2010



I do not fully understand what children did back in Bible times when they went to temple, with their parents. But in this day and age why is it so hard to find a church with a children's Sunday school class, and children's church. Mind you I do live in a small town.

I know I am old as butter milk, but I remember Sunday school class with lots of love. It was fun, and we had other activities for us children, GA's and RA's. Southern Baptist yes very much. The thing is there is not a Baptist church around me that is anything like the church I grew up in. Even the Seventh Day Adventist had lots of things for the children.

Where I live they have the Altar's Society for the young, the old, the middle aged. They have the Usher's Board, the young, the single, the married. They have the Missionary Society which looks like a branch of the Red Hat Social Club except they all wear white, white hat, white shoes, white hose, white gloves, white purse, and if they have flowers, which they usually do, yes they to are white, no color but white. If you visit my area do not attend a Sunday service where they are in attendance. Not that I am mean or do not like missions, but the service starts at 10:30 and ends usually after 3p.m., this is before the preaching starts.

But what I ask do you have for the children. Yes I am looking at the negative aren't I. Why can't I do like Momma said and get what I can, out of any service I attend. Well Momma did not take me with her when she went to see Billy Graham, she knew it would be long, she knew I probably would not understand, and she knew I could not, would not go that long without having to go to the bathroom at least 3 times. Smart lady my Momma. Besides at Momma's church I was not in the church, children only went in for praise and worship and then we went to our own classes.

Thank You God again for Momma.

But back to the children. I do not like children eating food because it is past their meal time or falling asleep under the pews because it is nap time. Nor to I like to watch them coloring Spiderman or the little mermaid, and trying to show me how wonderful they color in the lines. I will not mention crying, it is to much to go into.

As I said I do not know what they did with children in Bible times at temple, but in this day and age couldn't we find Bible things for these children to do during Big people church time. I want to hear the Word, not the children.

God Bless Indeed


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