Saturday, April 10, 2010


I Love Psalm 16:11 "Lord, In Your Presence is complete Joy!" , Have You felt His complete Joy in His Presence. It's nothing like anything else. I find complete Peace in His presence also. His Peace that surpases all human understanding. I can't number the mornings I have prayed and Asked the Lord to let me sit at His Feet, to surround me with His Love, Fill me with His Joy and Consume me with His Peace! He always comes through. It's Real! I have witnessed His Unexplainable Joy and Overwhelming Peace in the Presence of the Lord. And to tell you the Truth I long to be there more and more.

We all face difficult moments, trials and storms in our lives. Where do we seek refuge? The Lord invites us into His Safe Dwelling, the hymnist wrote to hide in the cleft of the Rock. Jesus being our Rock! The Psalmnist wrote that we are able to dwell in the Shadow of the Almighty! I love the scriptures that describes us dwelling beneathe the Shadow of His Wings. I read those scriptures and immediately God's peace Rushes through me and settles my anxiety or weariness. Needless,to say to answser the question where do we seek Refuge. Simple. JESUS. IN Him we find our Unexplainable Joy, Overwhelming Peace and the warmth of His Love that fills our souls and consumes our minds. Taking a deep breathe in those times when we need JESUS, and meditating on His Word, The Scriptures that bring us TRUE Peace and Promise of Hope and by simply asking Christ to fill us with His Love and Joy.

Jesus Said I give you my Peace! Not as the World gives You.

Seek His Peace and find it His Hope and Joy to be fulling and ever consuming.

From our Sister Angel site:

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