Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Revelation 3:16 So then thou art lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Spue-spit Lukewarm-indecision

I do not think there is a one of us reading this that has not at one time put something into our mouth and after one taste not SPIT it out. Have you ever reached for a cold soda to taste it and find it was warm? How about that cup of coffee that has cooled off? Now some of us because we are so thirsty just go ahead and drink. It is not though what you expected nor wanted. It is not the right feeling.

God says He will spit the lukewarm out of His mouth. When you are on fire for the Lord and go to Him, you know that you know He will answer. When someone has slipped away from the Christian lifestyle and turns and calls on the Lord believing in our heart He will answer, He will.

If you are just sitting there going through the motions, acting the act, but not living the act, that is lukewarm. People there are many such as these right now.

Look around! Just turning on the internet, the television, reading the newspaper, what are you reading? Earth quakes, famine, floods, it is all around us. In my own neighborhood there were 3 stabbings a few days ago. A few days before that we had about a hundred people in the streets, and when those stabbings took place it looked like a war zone. This is a nicer neighborhood. People killing people. Does anyone read Revelation? Does anyone understand it? If this is not the end days, I do not see how it can get much worst. But it can and it will.

As for me I do not want to be here for it. I do not want to be wondering as many will what happened to so many people. People are missing, people you thought should be gone are here, and some you thought would never make it are gone.

Lukewarm, well you will not be in the chosen that make it out of here. There are many young Christians out there are still drink, smoke, and that includes weed, who love the Lord with all their heart and soul, and yes I do believe they will go when the Lord comes. There are many older Christians that still have not kicked some habit or habits in their life’s, but because of their love for the Lord , I believe they will go.

Not because they are sinless, but because they are hot for the Lord. They have not been delivered yet. It is their heartfelt desire to live for the Lord that will remove them from this earth.

So today look at yourself, are you lukewarm, do you feel the Lord in your life? If you don't feel the Lord then please search yourself, and pray and seek until you do.

You Luke warmers know the truth, reach out desperately to return to what you know. Charles Wesley said 'Awake, thou that sleepest.' Have revival in your heart and soul. Return and do not be left behind.

God Bless Indeed

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