Friday, March 26, 2010



I remember long-long ago listening to my grandparents talk about the good old days. What they were talking about was just so old timey.

Here I sit and I wish for those good old days. Do you remember? Picnics without loud music. Neighbors that you knew. Butterflys, yes butterflys. Baseball games in the empty fields, no fights. How many beer brands can you list from those old days? In our house I didn't know there was a thing called beer. Church on Wenesday night, Sunday school and morning services, and then back in the evening. Everyone went. Church meetings on the grounds, pot luck. Dogs were not on leashes, they didn't bite. If someone said a cuss word and I do include 'darn' everyone stopped and looked at them. A child got their mouth washed out with Lava soap. We didn't play video games we invented games with sticks and rocks. Taking brown paper bags lunches to school and trading. Thermos bottles with those lunches. A bag of potato chips was a big treat, a soda even more. Children said yes and no mam/sir to everyone. No one threw paper on the ground. The only time you saw somebody's undergarments was in a store, they were not even hung on the clothesline.

I can just see you saying -wait a minute you missed this one, or left out this. You get the point I hope. What has happened to the world? What happened to sex being secret? Marriage being for life? Children having both their parents in the same house. What happened to being nice?

I remember when I did stupid things but only those doing it with me knew about it. We were more private about our messes and now it is on the TV everyday.

We have become a world of 'Hey, look what I did/am doing." Respect me while I have no respect for myself or anyone else. I can do whatever I please even if it affects you and you don't like it. It is/ wasn't for this and that I would not be this way.

Whatever happened to I am responsible for my own actions. I am also responsible for my reactions. Were do we draw the line? The thing is the good old days will return and they will be the best days of our lives.

Jesus is coming again and we who have given out life’s over to the Lord will see the good old days of earth as it was intended to be. Days before our grandparents, and their great great grandparents, we will see the original good old days.

Lord, I believe You tarry so more might be saved. Lord let them get saved and "Come on down," I am ready for the good old days.

Be Blessed Indeed


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