Thursday, March 18, 2010


How did fish survive? Fresh and salt water fish! Fish in freshwater tend to absorb water, because of the saltiness their body fluids draws in water, this is called osmosis. Fish in salt water tend to lose water from their bodies because the surrounding water is salter then their body fluids.
Kidneys of fresh water species excrete excess water, marine [salt] species excrete excess salt.
Fresh water can sit on top of salt water for extended periods of time. Many fish species have the capacity to adapt to both fresh and salt water within their own life spans. Public aquaruims use the ability of fish to adapt to water of different salinity from their normal habitat to exhibit fresh and salt water species together. The fish can adapt if the salinity is changed slowly enough.

What about plants? Many seeds can survive long periods of soaking in various concentrations of salt water. Salt water impedes the germination of some species, causing the seed to last better in salt water then fresh water.
Some plants could have survived by floating in vegation masses. Many seeds could have survived as food stores on the ark it self. Other seeds could have survived in the stomach of dead animals. Genesis 8:11 shows that plants were regenerating before Noah and his family left the ark.

Breathing without oxygen? If the water covered the entire earth including the tallest mountains, how did Noah and company breath without oxygen? My daughter suprised me by answering this question correctly before I looked into it. She said "they didn't need oxygen, the mountains were not as tall as they are now."
Many creation scientist think that many mountains were proably built by the castastrophic movement of the Earth's continental plates during and after the flood. Mountain building occured as part of the geologic process which deepened the oceans to take the waters off the land towards the end of the flood.
Even if the flood waters were 6 miles deep Noah and his family would not have had trouble breathing. Air pressure is caused by the weight of air above the point where the pressure is experienced. The air would have been pushed out and sat above the water. Equivalent to standing on top of a 100 feet high building at sea level.
[There is only enough water on all the earth to cover mountains 2 miles high if all the oceans basins were raised.]

I was going to include a short piece here on the final resting place of the ark. Because of a comment someone left I am going to expand that article and it will be presented tomorrow. As always if you ask we will answer, if you show an interest we will try to cover your comments.

God Bless Indeed

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