Saturday, March 13, 2010



We read and study the Word of God and then what do we do with it? We know that the answers to all lifes questions can be found in the Word, but do we follow it? We wonder why things go wrong and happen the way they do, but who or whom are we listening or for that matter talking to?

Let's be honest, most of us when a problem happens get on the phone, or go to Momma's or the next person on our "number one to call" list when we need help. We talk and talk about how Susie did this and Joe did that, and they won't stop and it is so bad and we have no idea what to do. Of course in most cases the problem just gets worst.

Then finally when we can 'take it no more' we go Lord help me I can't take anymore. So we sit before the Lord and tell him 'finally' all the bad things about Susie/Joe and how they are mean to us, and Lord YOU just have to stop them NOW.

We talk and talk to the Lord telling Him what He should do, and how He can fix this problem. We cry, and complain and then when we have released most of our anger, we get up and go right back into the mess.

Oh I know I am not talking about you. It is someone else that has this problem. So I will continue with my story.

The problem continues we read the scriptures [at least now we are looking at them] and claim the victory. We go right back and continue our problem, all the while rebuking Satan for bringing this into our lifes.

Then one day we really hit bottom and go back to the Lord [He is waiting] again we cry, we complain, but this time we ask God to give us the answer of what to do. The Lord speaks and tell us to go do such and such. Remember the man that Jesus told to go wash the mud off his eyes in a certain river, not just any river. [John 9: 6 When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. &7 and told him, "Wash it off in the pool of Siloam." ([Siloam] means "sent.") The blind man washed it off and returned. He was able to see.]

Do what? Okay Lord You do realize what they have been doing to me. Are You sure Lord? Okay Lord, I will do this. I don't feel it, but I will do it. I know the Word says to do this, yes Lord I don't wanta but I love You and I will do what You say.

At this point I am sure that the Lord is just so happy with your reaction. Here He sits, the last one you call on and He gives you THE answer and now you have an attitude.

Do you ever stop to think what the Lord was doing when He had the people walking around in the desert for 40 years for a 11 day journey? Think about that one real good, because finally all that went into the desert to begin with died in that desert.

People the answer was there all the time in God. The Lord wants Faith and Obedience from us, not to question what He tells us to do, just do it.

We are so busy carrying simple [yes they really are] problems in life that we do not heed God on, and we go around and around in our own little deserts, that yes we made. The more we carry them the heavier they become.

So today what can you do? Get honest with yourself, get this trash out of your life and go into the Promised Land. Either that or the problem will continue to grow, people and problems will continue to come against you in this area until you get your act together. If not well then you will stay in your desert. The desert that you choose to remain in, not that God put you in.

You have the answer. Act on it. Remember there is also a scripture that says help me with my unbelief. [Mark 9:24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.]

God Bless Indeed


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