Monday, March 08, 2010


Have you ever been fishing? I went some when I was little and I could never learn to cast. I would watch my Granny Carter and her line would go right where she wanted it.

Sometime I still have a probelm casting, but it is with my problems.
Psalm 55:22 (King James Version)
22Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

It is easy to read scriptures and know that they are true. That if we act on the Word of God, He who is a just and right God, will hear and answer, even if sometimes He says NO. Our problem is we seem to think that we can handle it ourself, after all it isn't that big a deal.

I think we have all been in this boat. The thing to remember is to not be like that commerical on TV "I've failen and I can't get up." Remember who you are, reach out your hand and say "Lord lift me up."

Cast those problems on the Lord, even when we made them ourselves, or walked into them ourselves, and know He will sustain us, He will never allow us to be moved.

God Bless Indeed

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