Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Genesis 3:11 (King James Version)
11And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
Some people think that it is hard to succeed in this world today. My question is who told you that you couldn't? If you read this scripture, stop and think of your own life.
Who told you you couldn't and what have you eaten of that God said not to. I believe here it means what are you listening to, reading, watching that God would not want you to take a part in, that would lead you to believe over wise. If we stay in His Word, we will know if we are getting naked, and eating the wrong things.
What are we listening to that is telling us that we can not or will not succeed? We are to seek first the face of God. We are not to do anything unless He says okay. Then we can look at other scriptures and stand on the promises that were made to us.
Remember as long as you try you have not failed, and God will sometimes send us down one path to get us to another.

God Bless Indeed

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