Tuesday, March 23, 2010


2 Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.
We have all come across someone in life that knew they were all that. Whether it was their looks, talents, gifts, they would make certain everyone they came in contact with would know what they were good at. Then we have those that are not as out-there but still they let us know what they have accomplished.
Boasting is not something we should be proud of. It is a sin to lift ourselves up. It is one thing to say thank you, yes that is my project, then to announce "I did that."
As Christians the good that we do comes from God, why should we want to take the credit. Romans 15:17 I have therefore my boasting in Christ Jesus in things pertaining to God. Now for the bad we do--well no body really wants to admit that. . 2 Corinthians 12:5 On behalf of such a one I will boast, but on my own behalf I will not boast, except in my weaknesses.
Luke 16:15 'You are they,' He said to them, 'who boast of their own goodness before men, but God sees your hearts; for that which holds a proud position among men is detestable in God's sight.'
2 Corinthians 10:13 But we will not boast beyond proper limits, but within the boundaries with which God appointed to us, which reach even you.
I will be honest when LJG and I first started writing it never crossed my mind if anyone was reading what we wrote. I just enjoyed the time that I spend writing. I enjoyed doing what the Lord led us to do--that is until. Oh yeah that 'UNTIL' happened in my life. It was about a year later that it suddenly crossed my mind, is anyone reading us. Well we did the right thing, we prayed 'Lord show us if we are reaching anyone'. And we got our answer, yes someone left a comment. Now I got excited, and then some more comments, this is good I thought. For a while I would ask LJG what was the count today. The next thing I knew I had to pull away, the remarks were lifting me up.
Now I do not want any of you to misunderstand what I am about to say, but I had to get back to the place were it did not matter if anyone commented. It didn't take long, but I had to get back to that relationship were I knew that without God I cannot write. Right now I don't remember the last time I asked LJG about the count. She will send me a comment and sometime I will answer and sometime I will just say I got it.
Let me explain LJG to you, without her none of this would happen, I don't even know how to get on most of the sites we post on. I will brag on her to anyone that wants to listen, she is the gift that God has used mightily in all this. No one will ever hear her talk about her part, she gives all the glory to God. Yes we do lift each other up with encouragement, but we are both very much aware of Who is in charge of this.
It is good to have your peers acknowledge that you are doing a good job. It is the feeling you get when someone else tells you 'You really look nice today.' or 'That report was right on target.' Many of us do not know how to take a compliment, instead of accepting, we say something like 'Oh really it wasn't nothing.'
Accept the compliment just don't let it go to your head. Philippians 2:16 holding up the word of life, that I may have something to boast in the day of Christ, that I didn't run in vain nor labor in vain.
God Bless Indeed
Boasting | Ignorance | Life | Procrastination | Worldliness
General scriptures concerning
Proverbs 20:14; 25:14; 27:1; Isaiah 10:15; Jeremiah 9:23; Romans 1:30; James 3:5; 4:16
General scriptures concerning
Proverbs 20:14; 25:14; 27:1; Isaiah 10:15; Jeremiah 9:23; Romans 1:30; James 3:5; 4:16
Of evil
Psalms 52:1
• Goliath
1 Samuel 17
• Ben-hadad
1 Kings 20:10
• Sennacherib
2 Kings 18:19; Isaiah 10:8-15
• The disciples
Luke 10:17; 10:20
Proverbs 27:1Proverbs, Book of
The title of this book in Hebrew is taken from its first word, mashal , which originally meant "a comparison." It is sometimes translated parable, sometimes proverb as here. The superscriptions which are affixed to several portions of the book, in chs. (Proverbs
(Proverbs 27:1) compare, Jame 4:13,14

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