Friday, March 19, 2010


Where is the ark's final resting place? Genesis 8:4 tells us that the ark came to rest in the mountains [plural] of Ararat. When Moses wrote Genesis, Ararat was a mountainous region located in what is today Eastern Turkey. We are given only a general location, but the Bible clearly does not say Mount Ararat.

To search for the ark, the best time is July and August for this is when the glacial ice is melting the fastest. You will be traveling to Turkey between Europe and the Middle East.

We can look on-line and find many people who have said they saw what they believe to be the ark. In none of the cases I came across is there any solid evidence, in fact the stories conflict each other. To big, to little, wrong shape, the list continues. Is something there, I do believe that they believe they saw something. But in all these cases why is there nothing that can be proven. In each case evidence that was either pictures or actual pieces of the ark have come up missing. People have years later refuted the stories they told to begin with.

I am interjecting my personal thoughts now, and the first thing that comes to mind is if they can go explore the Titanic, why is this so hard. If it is there then why can satellite pictures not show it? I have began to feel the more I dig into the possible location of the ark, the deeper the hole becomes.

As I thought on this the Shroud of Turin came to mind. What makes our belief different? It is in believing in what we do not see. Think of the religions you know of that have something they can touch, be it bones, cloth, statues, beads, to have a point of contact with.

We need only our point of contact with Christ. Is the ark in the mountains of Ararat? Yes I believe it is or was. Am I curious as to it being found, honestly yes. Does it really matter, will it make a difference, will it make my belief stronger?

No, assuredly not. What I have is the Word of God, which I believe to be the true accounting of what God desires for me to know. That is enough!!

God Bless Indeed

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