Sunday, June 20, 2010


Father Figure
By Pastor Marvin Moss

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus continuously reminds us that He is not functioning in or under His will, but He is doing the will of His father who is in heaven. Even in His most agonizing moment in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus keeps us focused on the connection that has been established and maintained between Him and His father, God. We do not read where Jesus disobeyed His father. We do not read where Jesus disrespected His father. We do not read where Jesus denied knowing His father. This was indeed the perfect relationship--this was the perfect connection.

As men, we find ourselves caught in the trap of trying to meet the daily demands of life on our own. In the dark and difficult times, we lose focus. We lose the connection, and sometimes we lose our very purpose for being. We are then faced with the challenge of refocusing, reconnecting, and returning to our purpose and call to be kings and priests, leaders in our homes, communities and churches. The good news is that through prayer and fasting, study and meditation, worship and fellowship, the temple is rebuilt; the spirit is renewed; and the fellowship is restored. Fundamentally, through our faith and obedience, men and women can experience the same relationship that Jesus had with God, our Father.

As earthly fathers, we strive for a perfect relationship and a perfect connection with our children. Despite our best efforts, sometimes we miss the mark. Many of us grew up with fathers who were absent from the home, in many cases because they were working multiple jobs to sustain the family. Our fathers may not have been there physically, but we had “clothes on our backs” and “houses over our heads.” Then there are fathers who were such disciplinarians that we may have respected (and in some cases feared) them more than having a loving relationship. For those of you who’ve had those experiences- just be thankful that your Father made sure you were out of trouble and safe.

If you now find yourself in a position as a father, uncle, guardian or mentor, take the time to take time for your child. If your dad wasn’t always around for whatever reason-- so be it. Now you can make the difference. Be the father figure God has called you to be.

Circumstances and trials arise that we cannot ignore. Through it all, we must exhibit much patience, love, understanding, and a solid spiritual foundation. It is the solid spiritual foundation that fathers have with God that will enable us to be in relationship with our children and other children. Each year in June, we celebrate fathers and let them know how special they are. Father’s Day is also a time of reflection and recommitment for those of us who are fathers to our own children and to children whose father is not present.

Fathers, as we celebrate, reflect and reconnect, we must remember that our homes, our communities, our churches are dependent upon us to continue to do the will of our Father in heaven who has sent us. Let this be your year to rebuild, renew, and be restored. Go a little farther this year. Testify and encourage another brother! Happy Father’s Day!

Scripture Of The Day: "Going a little farther, He fell with His face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” - Matt. 26:39 (NIV)

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