Saturday, July 03, 2010


In this article I want to give you one of the first basic rules that you will need to abide by. This particular rule is not talked about very often, so I thought I would do this short article for our spiritual warfare section so you will know exactly what this rule is all about and to make sure that you never, ever violate it.

This first basic rule is that you should never try and taunt, bad-mouth, or speak down to the demons in any kind of reviling or condescending type way. Here is the verse from our Bible that will give us this first basic rule of spiritual warfare:
“Yet, Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” (Jude 9)

Then notice that St. Michael “dared not” to try and bring a reviling accusation against the devil. The words “dared not” are again two more extreme words that the Lord is using. These two extreme words from our Lord are telling us under no circumstances are we to try and talk to our enemies with any kind of abusive, humiliating or condescending type language.

The Bible seems to indicate that St. Michael the archangel is one of God’s highest, if not the highest of all of His archangels. And if St. Michael was not allowed to speak out any kind of abusive, reviling or demeaning words direct to the devil himself, then we as good soldiers of Jesus Christ should do the exact same thing if we are ever forced to directly engage with any demons in this life.

In other words, we are not allowed to bad mouth and speak down to the devil and his demons once we start to directly engage with them in any kind of spiritual warfare, whether it be to protect ourselves or to protect someone else.

Jesus Himself also abided by this rule when He was casting demons out of people. Jesus forcefully and with great authority told the demons what they had to do and where they had to go, but at no time did He ever talk down to them, ridicule them, or talk to them with any kind of demeaning or condescending type language.

Though Satan and his demons are already defeated foes and have now all descended down into the lowest levels of evil and depravity, they are still all created beings by the Lord Himself, and as such, we are to never talk down to them or try and maliciously demean them in any way, even though they will try and do that with all of us.

In the same way, God expects all of us to treat our opponents or enemies with courtesy, kindness and respect in any kind of game or conflict we may have with them. He does not want us trying to taunt, humiliate or demean them in any way.

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