Sunday, June 27, 2010



I miss so much having the computer at home. I can go in early to work and use the computer room there, but the children see me and want to come in the room. I have gone to the library and it seems that someone with heavy perfume wants to sit beside me. And that is my column for the day.

Ladies and Gentlemen would you please stop pouring on the cologne? Have you ever heard ‘a little dab will do ya?” Maybe we were born in the wrong day and time, but honestly it is the old as well as the young. We were brought up that a lady should leave a faint scent after she had walked by.

Nowadays you can smell someone coming before you see them. We use perfume, we like to smell nice, but please could you down play it a little. It is bad when we start sneezing and you don’t realize it is you. There was this one lady at an old job that laughed because of my allergies. No, it is not allergies it is you I really wanted to say to her.

It is same with food. We really do not want to go to work and smell your pig feet, nor do we really want to watch you eat them. The same goes for tripe, and pickles. There are just some things that you should do at home.

While we are at it, let’s talk about the music you listen to in your car, or in your front yard across the street from our homes. We really do not listen to that kind of music, but we agree you have a right to listen to what makes you happy. Now maybe we are crazy but why should we have to listen to your choice of music? Turn it down! I have often wondered what my neighbors would do if I sat the speakers up in front yard and pumped the volume up on Bach, or some good church music.

Which leads me to those cell phones. It took a long time for both of us to get one, in fact somebody else bought both of ours. There is only one person who has a song that I like to hear and it is crazy, it is actually about the swiggly line in your eye. The point is we do not want to listen to 4 minutes of music especially music that we would never listen to begin with. That is why we hang up. And why do you set your phones to ring to music, loudly. We admit there have been a few times we have forgotten to put the thing on vibrate, but unless you are at home or in your car please turn it off.

There were bad things going on when we were young many years ago. The thing is people did those things in their house not in the front yard or down the street. So listen to your music, wear an entire bottle of cologne, just do it in your home so it doesn’t bother us.

God Bless Indeed

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