Thursday, June 24, 2010


God made us, so He knows what’s best for us. That’s why He gave us a Bible. Every book and chapter of the Bible are God-breathed messages to you to help you out in life. That’s why it is so important to read it!

Some people think that they’re a mature Christian because they’ve been in church for so many years. But maturity comes by how much of the Word you receive and apply in your life; not just by how much you hear or read. There are a lot of people who’ve heard Bible teachings for forty years and are still babies when it comes to the things of God. They don’t ever let it digest and become a part of their daily living.

Sunday sermons are like food that they put in their mouth, chew a little bit, and then spit out once they hit the door. The never swallow it. Others may swallow it and then throw it up after a few days! Those are some bulimic Christian babies! They never give the Word a chance to digest before they’re sticking their fingers down their throat, vomiting up what they heard. Consequently, their lives never really change.

That’s how you get theologians who know so much about the Bible, but are as lost as a goose in the fog, when it comes to really knowing God. That’s how the Pharisees you read about in the Bible were. Jesus called them “snakes, hypocrites, and vipers” for a reason. They were religious, but they’d lost the spirit of the message, or maybe they never had it! Either way, they weren’t digesting anything they heard.

Excerpt from the Covenant by Jesse Duplantis

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