Sunday, June 20, 2010


There is a big difference between being saved and being spiritual. We are not talking about a show of being a “Christian.” We are talking about walking the walk, talking the talk, and living the life of a Christian. You must have the Spirit and live a spiritual life.

In 1 Corinthians 2 and 3 Paul’s emphasis is on being spiritual. Paul shows us three kinds of men. First is the soulish man, he is not saved and cannot understand the Bible. Second we have the fleshy man. He is saved but walks according to his own flesh. He does not walk according to the Spirit of God. His understanding of the Bible is limited, he receives revelation from others not directly from God. Third is the spiritual man, he has the Spirit of God. He operates under the power of the living Spirit and walks according to the principle of the Spirit.

It is when we grow past the flesh and step into the spiritual man that we can become strong in the Lord, then we are saved and spiritual. Many find this path to be long, others seem to go straight from one to the other. To get to the spiritual life we have to get ourselves into the Word of God, the closer we get the more provisions we receive. The greater our knowledge of God and the closer our relationship is with Him. It is then that we have revelation from God not from man.

I thank God for the people of God that have given me and still give me revelations from Him. We will never be so strong in the Lord that we will not get revelations from others. With our own spiritual growth though, we know when those revelations are from God as a confirmation, a blessing, Word of Knowledge, or even when they are not from God. Yes there will be times when that word you receive is not from God, it is the spiritual man that knows truth when they hear it.

Being saved is wonderful, being saved and living a spiritual life is even better.

God Bless Indeed

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