Saturday, August 21, 2010


Take Your Foot Off The Brakes
By Bishop Vashti McKenzie
This week's topic: The Holy Spirit

How much of what you do everyday is by your own inclination, or by the power of the Holy Spirit? Everyday we make direction and destination decisions. We make them based on our own knowledge, learning and understanding, or we make them based upon the truth of God’s Word.

E. Stanley Jones writes that most people plot and plan themselves into mediocrity. The Holy Spirit will tell the believer, however, when to speak up, when to be quiet, what to say, where to go, when to leave, and will give direction to our daily movements.

It’s like the bitter cold winter race, the Iditarod. Dogsled teams race between Anchorage and Nome, Alaska. It is a brutal test of the skill and endurance of both humans and dogs.

There is an often-told story about a novice in the race excited to be apart of a race that could cost you your life. Excitement didn’t last long against the elements and he came in last. He asked an experienced racer to critique his efforts. The experienced racer responded that the dogs know where to go. You kept trying to tell the dogs where to go and you kept your foot on the break.

We are limiting our direction and destination efforts of this Christian race when we are led by our own inclination instead of being led by the Holy Spirit.

In the epistle to the Roman Christians, Paul, the attributed author, makes a masterful argument that three walls surround all of humanity. All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. This is the wall of universal guilt. The good we try to do, we don’t; and the sin we don’t want to do, we do. This is the wall of sinful nature. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved represents the wall of sovereign election.

Paul references the Holy Spirit many times in this chapter. The Holy Spirit breaks through the walls of sin, guilt and shame because there is now no condemnation. The Holy Spirit elevates our view off of earthly things and onto the things of God, spiritual things that are eternal. The Holy Spirit assures us of this new relationship as inheritors or heirs with Christ to both his suffering and glory.

Being led by the Spirit is taking your foot off of the brakes. It is allowing yourself to be led because the Holy Spirit knows the way just like the Huskies know the way to Nome.

Jesus promised us another comforter and the day of Pentecost has fully come. The Holy Spirit was given to us. He is fruit to conform us to the character of Christ and gifts that transform and empower to edify the body of Christ.

Scripture Of The Day: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God." - Romans 8:14

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