Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Across the United States people have been celebrating since Sunday night when the news first came out Osama bin Laden was dead. When I wonder did the questions start to arise? Is it really him, show us proof. Is this enough, will it bring closure, help heal wounds, give peace?
The number of deaths he is responsible for is unknown. The ones we can account for are the United States embassies 1998 in Africa 224; USS Cole year 2000, 17; September 11, 246 on four planes, 2,606 in New York, 125 at the Pentagon, two deaths as a result of exposure years later.
Thank God no Americans were lost Sunday.
Many thoughts go through my head. As a Believer I do not find happiness in the death of anyone unsaved. The Bible though tells us not all will be saved. He was an enemy of the United States, an enemy of God.
Is he the biggest or greatest enemy we have faced or continue to face? The shock of 9-11 pulled this country together for a short time. We reached out with compassion to each other.
Bin Laden was an enemy we could see. How many enemies do we have even now, today in the United States, and yet we turn a deaf ear and blind eye? Afer all we do have a right to live our life's the way we want to live them, without putting God first and foremost.
How much worst are the enemies we overlook, then the ones we see? The United States was formed under one God, and until this nation turns back to that God we will continue to have enemies seen and unseen. Only with God can we have closure, heal wounds and have peace.
God Bless America

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