Sunday, May 01, 2011


Each one of us is one of a kind. My path is mine, yours is yours.

Proverbs 4:26 Ponder the path of your feet, And let all your ways be established.

Psalms 27:11 And lead me in a smooth path.

Psalms 16:11 You will show me the path of life.

Each one of us has a path to travel in life. Human nature being what it is there are times the paths we choose are not always good. It would be nice if we could click on UNDO or backspace in life. Alas that is not possible. It is easy to look back and see were we should have gone right instead of left. Wrong turns, green pastures that turned into swamps; rocks that caused us to trip causing unwanted bruises and pain.

Though we don’t always travel alone, it is our own path. God is there at all times whether we are aware of it or not. There are times when friends, family and at times even strangers walk our path with us. Still it is our path.

If you haven’t been down my path you cannot know why I am as I am. Wait! I am not saying you cannot try to understand, have compassion or empathy for someone that is possible. You cannot though know how they feel. Two individuals can go through the same thing, and both have different experiences. This is life, it is reality.

We can share our beliefs, opinions; agree to disagree; comfort. We can be there for each other in many ways. That is a good thing.
How many times have we said I’ve been there, done that and it didn’t work for someone else. They continue going forward and all we can do is watch and pray. They are on their own path not ours. Try as hard as we can, we cannot make our path someone else’s any more then theirs can became ours.

I say all this to say: be there for others, but remember you can only change yourself. Let God lead you in the way you should go, and pray for others to be lead by Him also. Do not take it personal when someone decides to travel their path.

God Bless

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