Thursday, July 07, 2011


The Unstoppable Power of the Word!

Acts 12:24-25

But the word of God continued to increase and spread. When Barnabas and Saul had finished their mission, they returned from Jerusalem, taking with them John, also called Mark.

Throughout Acts 12, we have seen King Herod execute James, imprison Peter, execute the guards who "let" Peter escape, and then make the powerful cities of Tyre and Sidon bend to his will. Finally, he was eaten by worms for failing to give glory to God. Now, contrast the words and acts of a man versus the Word of God (from our passage today). The man -- Herod -- is cut off four years into his reign (literally eaten by his ego); while the Word of God continues to increase and spread. It seems to me that Herod was working really hard; he even had what appeared to be some early success; but his demise ultimately proved that the Word and Will of God is far stronger than he (or any man) could ever hope to be.

Here is the point for me in these concluding verses of Chapter 12: the Word of God is a slow moving yet relentless force that will eventually topple every power and authority that stands against it, no matter how mighty they might appear at the time. Consider these words from Ecclesiastes 3:15, "Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account." What this means is God has got things under control, He has seen it all before, He will right the wrongs, and eventually the "Herods" of our world will be held accountable.

Are you dealing with a "Herod" right now (perhaps a person or a situation that is imprisoning or persecuting you)? Sometimes such a situation can appear hopeless, but God is always in control, no matter how much power someone seems to have over you. Do you trust in the unstoppable power of the Word of God? What can you do today to exercise that trust? Ask God to show you the truth and power of His Word.

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