Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Chrislam – Christianity and Islam Can Never Merge

This article is being typed up on 5/24/11. The other night I was watching a prominent Christian teacher on TV and he then brought up a subject that I just about fell out of my chair on. He said there is now a growing movement within the extreme liberal end of the Body of Christ to try and unite Christianity with the false religion of Islam. The name they are using to describe this movement is – “Chrislam.”

Just when you thought things could not get any more crazy, we now have this crazy demonic movement coming out of the woodwork and starting to gain more traction within the liberal end of the Body of Christ.

This teacher then went on to say that there were several liberal, Presbyterian ministers who had taken out all of the verses in the Bible about Jesus being the Son of God – and then gave this revised Bible to some of their missionaries so they would not offend any of the Muslims they would be preaching to, since the religion of Islam thinks it is blasphemous that God would have a Son.

Bottom line – to tell God the Father that Jesus Christ is no longer His only begotten Son just so we can appease a false, demonic religion is heresy and blasphemy at its absolute worst.

As we have said in our article titled, “The Basic Tenets of Christianity,”there are certain basic, fundamental beliefs that we can never, ever throw out or attempt to try and compromise on.

Since we are living in such a politically correct climate where everyone is trying to compromise and appease everyone, there are some Christians, including some of our leaders and pastors, who are falling into this demonic trap. They are playing right into the hands of Satan when they do this, and this particular movement of trying to combine our Christian faith with that of Islam is definitely one of those traps being laid by the devil.

Read more here:

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