Sunday, July 03, 2011


God bless our children. Many years ago there was a gospel singer who wrote a song about taking his son to the altar one more time to save him and then let him die, so he would know he went to heaven. Now I am not wanting anyone to die, but what I do want all of us to do is let go. Let go of that child, and let God.

Okay if you know me you will probably say but what about your own children. Yes I made alot of mistakes, but they were mistakes I thought were right at the time. We are talking about now today. Mistakes made in the past we are sorry for but we can not pay for them all the childs' life. Asking God to forgive us has released us from any condemnation.

We all have been told not to do thing by our own parents, and we did them anyway. We really did not turn out to bad. If anything we learnt from those mistakes. There is only one answer and that is turn them over to God. And then take your hands off. By taking your hands off do not let them come into your home or presence doing something that you would not allow around you. Say I love you BUT and then stand back and let God. If fact I will take it a step further and tell you to ask God what He would have you do. You might be very surprised to learn that He does in fact love that child more then you do.

Believe me it will be one of the hardest thing you will ever do. Ask Christian people you can trust to pray with you. Remember we can't trust just anyone to pray for what God desires not what they think is best. So hit those knees and let go of these children.

Heavenly Father, I think You for this child that You blessed me with. I love this child but right now I might not like them to much. I am asking You Lord to take this child into Your hands and begin to do your most perfect will in their life. Give me the strength and courage to stand back and keep my hands off while You complete what You have started in them. Amen So Be It!!

Love you all
God Bless


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