Sunday, July 31, 2011


Real Faith Works
Introduction to the Book of James
“From Brother to Believer”
July 17, 2011 AM

Even though the book of James is situated near the end of the New Testament…it was probably the earliest of all the New Testament writings…written around 45 AD.

At one time some questioned the inspiration of this book because they thought it taught a contradiction to the writings of the Apostle Paul. For example:

Paul said, “For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.”
James said, “Show me thy faith without thy works and I will show thee my faith by my works.”

The most notable objector to the Book of James was Martin Luther, the great theologian who broke away from the Catholic Church. He said, “James is a veritable epistle of straw and destitute of evangelistic character.”

Luther’s comments about James were probably born out of his own personal discovery of a glorious truth which had long been hidden under the religious guise of the Roman Catholic Church.

For he discovered through his own study of the New Testament that justification is by faith and faith alone. . And so he thought that he saw a contradiction to this truth in the Book of James...but he was wrong.

Martin Luther is owed our admiration for his strong stand against a state religion, and his conviction that the Bible ought to be in the hands of every Believer.

However, the sad thing about Luther’s comments concerning James influenced many and caused doubt about the inspiration of the book of James. However, through proper study of the book…the truth has come to light, and rather than a contradiction, we see that the teachings of James and Paul are really complimentary to one another and not contradictory.

Let’s quickly look at two passages: Ephesians 2:8-9 & James 2:14-18…

Paul simply says, “You can’t work your way to salvation, because salvation comes through faith alone and not through works.”
James simply says, “If you say that you are saved and have faith, then your works will prove it, because faith without works is not real faith.”

So what we will find in the book of James is a challenge for every believer…
It’s a book about doing the Christian life. It teaches us how to live the everyday Christian life and that real faith is active and alive...And when it is tempted it does not give in and when it is tested it continues to stand.

Real faith is proved through obedience to God, by love for others and by our works. It is demonstrated to the world around us by what we do, what we say and how we react. The truth of the matter is that your faith was never meant to be a personal and private matter. Real faith works itself out in a way that others might see it!

James is one of the most practical books in the entire Bible! James sets out from the very beginning to teach us that Real Faith Works!

It works – That is it will work in your life it is effective!
It works – That is it is active and engaged!

James mentions faith over and over again…and he seems to be primarily concerned with the relationship of faith to obedience.

There are 108 verses in James with 59 different commands! That is an average of one command for every two verses!

People today are so against the idea of legalism that even one mention of Christian rules and they run away! But James is filled with commands and rules for every believer. It is as if he says, “Hey, you don’t just say you are a Christian! You have to live like one!”

Today I want to spend our time talking about the writer o this little Book of James.
And I think we will find that his life can and does and should resemble our lives as well.

This particular James was the younger, half-brother of Jesus. Know obviously he was only a half-brother because they had the same mother, but definitely not the same father.

So keep in mind that James grew up with the author and founder of the Christian faith. The “faith” that James describes in this book comes from one who witnessed the real and working faith of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As we revisit James’ early life, it is interesting to note that at first he didn’t truly believe that Jesus was the Messiah until the end of His earthly ministry:

Like many others in that day, James was a skeptic:

Matthew 13:53-58 – Notice that James is mentioned here among those who did not believe…notice also that in that place where there was much unbelief, Jesus did not do many mighty works!

John 7:1-5 – James is seen here among his brethren saying... “If you are who you say you are then go show your power.” They were trying to force the hand of Jesus, because they still didn’t believe.

I Cor. 15:3-7 – James is mentioned here as one who personally saw the risen Lord! He may have been a skeptic for a while, but when he saw the risen Savior he finally believed.

Acts 1:14 – Now he and his brethren are gathered together with those who were waiting for the Holy Spirit to come.

And finally, in the latter chapters of the Book of Acts, we see James serving as a leader in the Jerusalem Church. He was even called a pillar of the church by the Apostle Paul in Galatians.

Oh, what a change! He was once a by-stander, and now a believer, once a critic, but now a Christian, once a skeptic, but now sold-out to the cause of Christ!

So James was hesitant to believe at first, but eventually placed real faith in Jesus.
Not in Jesus the brother, but in Jesus the Savior, the Son of God!
Look at what James 1:1 says:

“James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greetings.”

As he begins his letter, he emphatically states his claim – “I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ!”

He regarded himself as a servant or a bond slave of the Lord Jesus.
With this in mind consider the following:
He was the half-brother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
He became an Apostle because he had seen the risen Savior.
He became the Pastor of perhaps the largest church in his day.
He had great influence among his peers…yet he considered himself a servant.

Wouldn’t you agree that this should be the claim of every Real Christian regardless of their power, prestige or position? After all, have we not been bought with a price?

During the slavery days, there was an Englishman who attended an auction of slaves. And there on the block for bid was a fine-young lad whom every bidder wanted. The Englishman outbid all the other interested buyers. And when the deal was finally complete he claimed his purchased and began to leave.
After discovering that his buyer was English, the young slave scolded his buyer for purchasing him as a slave when slavery was already abolished in England. To which the buyer replied, “I have purchased you to set you free.”And overcome with emotion and joy the young slave said, “Sir, I will gladly be your willing slave forever!”

This story is a picture of what we are my friends. We have been purchased by another and set free! “He whom the Son has set free is free indeed.”

And since Christ has set us free from the bondage of sin, shouldn’t we serve him willingly, and wholeheartedly…forever?

May I ask: Are you a willing servant of the Lord Jesus Christ today? Have you put your all on the altar?

The bottom line in the Book of James is that Real Faith works.

It worked in James’ life and it will work in your life too!

Now, if you say you have faith, but you are not at work for the Lord Jesus Christ…Or if you say that you are a Christian, but your Christianity is not active and engaged in your life…then I would seriously search your heart and ask whether or not your faith is real.

James was a skeptic early on, and he followed half-heartedly, but there came a time when he believed, and from that day forward he became a whole-hearted, willing slave and follower of Jesus Christ!

This Book is about Real Faith…and Real Faith comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Have you begun that relationship today?

Are you maintaining that relationship like you should?

Senior Pastor John Sweat, Sr
Crossroads Baptist Church
1595 Baxley Road
Middleburg, Florida

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