Thursday, July 28, 2011


Acts 7:54

"When they heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him."

My wife is convinced I have a hearing problem. She has some evidence on her side -- when I watch television I need it loud or I can't hear some of the dialogue; in Church I sometimes need to ask what the Pastor just said; and I do regularly ask my wife to repeat herself. However, all of that doesn't mean I think I have a hearing problem. In my mind, these things that she thinks are evidence of my hearing problem all have very valid and logical explanations that have nothing to do with my ability to hear.

Who is right? It's hard to say, but you can be sure if my wife wants to make me mad all she has to do is suggest I go to the doctor to check my hearing.

Why do I get mad? I don't know for sure but it is probably because I'm afraid she is right.

What makes you mad when someone says something about you? I'm not suggesting that when you get angry it's proof that someone spoke a truth, but it can certainly indicate a problem or an issue lurking below a normally calm surface. The point is that our first response is often to get angry, rather than reflect calmly on the thing that was said about us.

When my wife read this devotion, she was surprised at my honesty (she knows this is a sensitive subject) and asked me when I was going to get my ears checked. What do you think was my response? What would yours be? What subject would make you angry? Is there any truth in it? What do you need to be honest about?

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