Monday, July 18, 2011


Acts 7:51a

"You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears!"

In Biblical terms, circumcision represents the act of setting oneself apart -- of God's covenant relationship with the children of Israel. But what does it mean to us today? Some think that removing the male foreskin (which is circumcision) is a barbaric act that mutilates children. Others believe that it is a necessary male health issue. The real question for us is its spiritual meaning. Stephen is basically saying to the Sanhedrin, "You can have the outward physical sign of faithfulness (circumcision); but are you spiritually circumcised -- do you have an open heart and ears?" As I apply Stephen's statement or question to me (someone who has been a Christian for a long time), I am warned to not develop a "stiff-neck" (become inflexible or closed minded to the Spirit's voice) because I have been "practicing Christianity" the same way for a long time.

The other day I went to the chiropractor because my neck was so sore that I couldn't turn it to the left. As he asked questions about my injury, it became apparent I had (through a recent activity), aggravated a problem area that was caused by the way I cradle the phone between my left shoulder and ear. As a result (and over time) the vertebrae in my neck had slightly deteriorated, and along with age (we lose elasticity with age) contributed to my stiff neck. His prescription: a series of adjustments to bring my neck back into alignment.

Whether or not you believe in the practice of chiropractics is not the point of this example. Rather it is to illustrate that the pain we sometimes experience might be God's way of telling us we are in need of a spiritual adjustment or realignment. We often develop habits to help us organize our Christianity (study, prayer, etc.) into our busy lives. However, these same routines can also make us less flexible and more rigid in spiritual matters ("stiff-necked"). Like my physical injury, spiritual rigidity usually doesn't happen as a result of one catastrophic event (although an event usually brings it to our attention). It builds up slowly over time. But unlike a physical injury or the effects of old age, a spiritual "stiff-neck" is completely reversible. All that is required is surrender. Surrender to Jesus of our habits and ideas. I pray for all of us right now to ask God to open (circumcise) our hearts and our ears that we might know (or re-learn) His voice and His will -- Amen!

Are you in need of a spiritual adjustment? Have you become too dependent on rituals or habits? Have you lost the ability to hear God's voice? Do you still have the same compassion (heart) for the needy? If not, perhaps its time for re-alignment. What needs to change in your approach to your relationship with God?

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