Wednesday, July 13, 2011


We encourage you to step out of your box. The bigger point being to step, it is by stepping that we go forward. We have never said that living for Christ would be easy. What we do is encourage you to fellowship with others. Jesus did not start a church. What He did was travel and speak to people. We all know that it is in listening that we learn. Listen, ask questions, study. Never accept someone at what they say when it comes to the Bible.

recj 'Years ago I had joined a church, I loved the people, the worship, the service. That is until I asked a question. I was told to sit down and listen, to never question what 'the man of God said'. 'But I don't understand', I said. It was like someone was telling me the sky was below me. It just did not make sense to me, it did not line up with what I was reading in the Word. I went to the Lord in prayer, and I got my answers. Since that day I have questioned, and I will continue.'

What someone tells you about God directly concerns your salvation. We are talking about our life with Christ. That is not something that we play with.

It amazes us when we try to write about a subject and can't seem to get anything on paper. It is a good subject, we have plenty of research and God will lead us another way. There have been times a article was ready to post on the sites, and LJG would post something else, or God would wake us up to write something else. We laugh and do what He lays on our heart.

LJG 'I was asked point blank to leave a church years ago. Why? Because I asked a question and I still remember the question I asked, "why are you incorporating Catholic doctrine into a Pentecostal Church?" Now ain't that just plain stupid? I may not know every thing in the Bible but I do study, research and yes even ask questions. My Preacher at Crossroads Baptist Church out here in Middleburg, Florida doesn't seem to have a problem with us asking him questions. Of course, I can't see his face through the computer, but he always helps. What a blessing that is from God. When you can't ask a question just leave. Don't be like me and wait for them to ask you to leave. Always remember there were a lot of people when Jesus was here asking Him questions and He answered them. Yes, you're right it wasn't what they might have wanted to hear but He told them anyway. God is our life and His truth is what we are after. Are you?'
We have wrote this before and will write it again when the Lord lays it on our hearts. Our goal is to encourage you to ask questions, not accept what you have always been told. We had very strong women of God that raised us. Those seeds were planted and have grown for many years. We know the One who will never lie to us, the One that promised to never leave us or forsake us. He welcomes our questions because He know in our hearts that we are asking those questions to learn and grow.

May God richly bless you coming in and going out, may you look to Him concerning all you put your hand to do.


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