Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Acts 7:51b

"…You are just like your fathers…"

Stephen has made a statement that should make us all pause to look for a moment at the example of our biological fathers; and for those of us who are fathers - at our example to our children. Stephen accuses, "You are just like your fathers!" He isn't saying that in a complimentary way. If he said that to you right now, what negative behavior (if any) would he be instructing you to correct?

I'm sure you have heard discussed the issue of "generational curses." The source Scripture for this debate is from Exodus 20:5: "...I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me." The thinking goes like this, "I don't have control over the way I am, because I'm living under a generational curse. I'm paying for the sins of my forefathers by repeating their sins." For example, "My father had a bad temper, and I inherited that from him." (Modern psychology theorizes that personality traits are inherited as well as physical characteristics.)

I consider this to be a convenient excuse for surrendering to sin in our lives rather than embracing and accepting the freedom we have in Christ. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul tells us: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" What do the acts of repentance and baptism mean to you? You have been "born again." You are a "new creation." Are you truly experiencing your new life in Christ Jesus or repeating the same pattern of your fathers?

We don't have to be our fathers (or mothers). We don't have to repeat their errors. Who will break the cycle of abuse, alcoholism, drug use, lust, or infidelity in your family line? Will it be you? Or will you continue to pass on the same sickness to your children and future generations?

Stephen is addressing this very issue: "Why do you continue to repeat the error of your fathers?" These issues may not be obvious or appear to be significant, but we all have them. What are yours? What can you do today to ensure that these issues are not passed on to the next generation? Let me encourage you to share your struggles with a Christian brother who might be able to offer you encouragement and accountability. You will be glad you did.


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