Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Acts 7:51c

"....You always resist the Holy Spirit!"

A few years ago I was skiing in Utah when one of worst blizzards and heaviest snowfalls on record fell upon us. I remember skiing (what would be the last run of the trip) against a wind so strong I had to lean against it with all of my strength to keep from being pushed over. The landscape was so white from the blowing snow that I couldn't see the terrain changes below my feet or the trees in front of me. It wasn't much fun. I continued skiing in what I thought was a downhill direction (missing all of the signs), to find myself at the bottom, but nowhere near the main lodge. I ended up having to hike several hundred yards to get back to civilization.

As I read our Scripture this morning, I thought about that skiing experience. The Holy Spirit is like a wind, sometimes soft and gentle; and other times like a blizzard, blowing so hard you have to make a conscious effort to lean against it, or it will blow you off course -- or rather on course. The problem is, we -- like the Israelites -- get stuck in our way of doing things; become consumed by what we want; develop our own expectations; or condition our way of thinking by experience. As a result we can be blinded to the signs and influence of the Holy Spirit, then we wonder why we end up some place we don't want to be.

Is the Holy Spirit trying to influence you to change direction? Are you resisting? With open heart, eyes and ears, ask God to reveal to you if you need a course correction

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