Monday, August 29, 2011


There are special moments that Christians experience perhaps more frequently than others realize. Usually these spiritual occurrences are not shared, and sometimes in a busy day, the person is not fully aware of the gift that has been given. Other times, the experience is noted with sudden joy, but the individual moves on through the day with renewed zeal and enthusiasm for all of life's experiences.

These bright blessings, or moments of special awareness, intensify our awareness of God and His love and goodness. One such recognition comes readily to me through an intense appreciation of nature. In those moments of beauty, I feel the presence of God and sense His creative power. It is as if I come into contact with a deep reality and energy that permeates all of life. The moments are very special and filled with love.
Then there are the times of deep sorrow, loss, or trial. Perhaps a death or threat of terrible loss and violence presents itself. In these times, I feel a special comfort, support, and encouragement and inner whispers of encouragement, prophecy, and assurance. I feel as if an inner voice is quietly ministering to my deepest needs.

Then there are the gentle, supernatural nudges that surround us with spiritual joy. The radiance and light that characterize this type of spiritual experience illumines the heart, mind, and soul.

Recently, I was recovering from a serious cold and flu. After a day of healing rest and sleep, I felt the worst of the sickness leaving me. I was grateful. The next morning on the way to church to prepare Communion, I turned onto a main street I frequently travel. It was a bright, sunny day; but beyond nature, there was a shower of bright sparkles that fell on and around me. It was a literal vision of light and radiance, a blessing shower of sparkling bits. As I prepared Communion, I covered my face to protect others from any residual illness I might carry, but I had the overwhelming experience of wholeness and wellness.

These special blessings do not result from an intense seeking after spiritual assurance. They are freely given as a by-product of Christian living and growth. These blessed moments are a gift from the God who loves us beyond our ability to comprehend.

…..Mary-Ellen Grisham ( by way of Eternal Ink ( and “Christian Voices” (

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