Wednesday, August 03, 2011


Thought to Ponder

We are sure all of us could have at some time wrote a letter like this to God. It sounds crazy but thank about it a bit. Remember we need to ask forgiveness for these times.

Dear God,

Lord I know You know I love You and am trying my best to live right. There are times like what happened earlier that I just forget that it is suppose to be You in charge of everything in my life. I know you saw what happened and I know I am not responsible for the actions of others, BUT God You did see what happened. The Bible does say I can be angry. Was it really a sin for me to explode and tell them where to get off? You know what I have to deal with living in this world. Maybe I should have just walked up and laid hands on them. LOL Can I dump here Lord, I am really tired of being the nice guy. You really did not made this walk easy. Yes I know there are angels watching over me, but couldn't one of those angels put their hand over that person's mouth? I have been through alot lately and I do need a break, don't You agree! I really did not need this right now. Would it be possible for You to let me have a vacation from all this. Let me rest and recover from all that is going on and then we can get back to real life. LOL Can I just hide from the world? Thank You for listening and like I said I know You love me.

Sincerely Your child

Maybe not those exact words, but yes we have been there. What many of us do not realize is that yes we can tell God our real feelings. It is in being truthful with the Lord Jesus Christ that He can hear and answer us. He said He would not put more on us then we can bear. We on the other hand put things on ourselves that we could never bear.

Remember that in all things He will never leave us nor forsake us. Praise the Lord

God Bless

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