Sunday, August 07, 2011


We have stressed many times that we are to question, study and pray about what we are told to believe. Warren Jeffs is a good example of a person taking the Words of God and twisting them into beliefs that come straight out of the pits of hell. Sex with children both girls and boys. Yes he has been with boys. Filming what he is doing with others watching. Instructing these children to shave their privates to better please him so they can get to heaven. So little we write about this man.

We are amazed at how some journalist want to go on and on about the clothing and hair styles these woman wear. This is not the problem. There are many true believers that do follow the holiness standard of dress. They speak of how the husband is the head of the household. The Bible does say the man is to be the head. It also says the woman is to be his queen. Children are home schooled, why because of the things going on in the school system today, and there is nothing wrong with that.

No we do not believe there is any thing wrong with those things. If we look around us we will see many who live like this, dress, hair, etc. What they do not do is hand their children over for sex with a man. We need to be careful not to put all people in one basket.

These folllowers of Jeffs, women and yes men have accepted a way without once questioning it. The ones that have questioned are put out as trouble makers. Many have accepted it because they as Jeffs also enjoy the crime they are committing. Some are so blind they will believe anything that their leaders tell them.

It is time for us to open our eyes to the world around us. Everywhere we look we see murder of children, sexual abuse and more. What is happening on this earth? The Bible tells it all. Many hundreds and even thousands of years ago men said how much worst can it get before the Lord comes in all His glory and puts a stop to this madness.

How much more? We do not know the answer to that, but we do know He is coming back. Are you ready? Look around you and see if you think it is time to get ready. How much worst can it get?

God Bless

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