Friday, September 16, 2011


How well do you represent God in your daily life? Today was one of those days where I had to deal with a number of businesses. It surprises me the way employees will act toward customers. I will say the good overweighed the bad. What it did was get me to thinking how well we as Christians sell the One and Only True God. Do people walk away from us thinking oh my gosh, I don't want to do business with who they work for? Do they say I will go there again and refer my friends?

Every action gets a reaction, we have all heard that. Just as a businesses employees treatment of us determines if we continue to do business with them. Our example as a Christian shows people not only where we stand in our relationship with Christ, but influences their desire to want to know Christ themselves.

Thankfully I had done business with one company before. If not I would never do business with them again. What I did do was speak to the owner of the company. His conversation with me showed me that he cared how I was treated. Do we ever stop to think do people go to God with our treatment of them? I am sure He would listen, and as the business man today He would do His best to make it right with me. Think about that today or the day you get up on the wrong side of the bed.

Have a blessed day and remember He is watching over all we do and say.

God Bless

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