Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today everyone is looking back at 9/11, reliving where we were and what we were doing. Our thoughts of what that day means to us, might seem off track. Usually the Sunday article is my day to express myself , today it is both of us. Our thoughts are usually the same. People are so hard on about their rights, while expecting others to not disagree with them, whatever their views are. We are bombed, people shout and march about being gay, and kill unborn children, we are not to say anything. We are wrong for saying this is wrong. We are suppose to accept that what they are doing, is their right.
Today brings memories of amazement in watching the twin towers struck and then falling. Amazing in that what it is going to take for this country to wake up and accept that we have brought all this on ourselves. Are we wrong in these thoughts? Is God actually tired of us, that He has stepped back and said I will let them go and see what happens without Me?
What has happened to us? The people of God have become so passive and politically correct that they can no longer see what lies ahead of them. We, Americans, have always had freedom of speech, but not any more. When we go out we have to listen to our God’s Name being used in vain and all other forms of vain horrible curse words. If we mention God in any way, shape or form, then we are being told we cannot express ourselves. We look at t-shirts with all forms of vulgar displays , including pictures and words, even those cussing our Lord. We on the other hand wear our shirts proclaiming Christ and we are told we have offended them. Televison is a complete story in itself. We sit down to watch a PG rated movie to see commercials that we would never allow in our homes.
We are looked down on and scorned for professing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. Where have our voices gone. How many stories does our Father give us of a few standing and seeing mighty changes?
We do not want to be policality correct anymore. We do not want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but if the shoe fits wear it. We will not back down from the Word of God.
We have mourned for those lost during 9/11. We do not pray for the dead, they are gone, we can do nothing for the dead. We pray for the living that are left behind. We have prayed that those who know Christ have received the peace only He can give. We pray that those who do not have a personal relationship with Him come to know Him so they can turn to the right and know peace. We pray that this country will turn back to the Lord and take their eyes off self and this country will be restored. We pray that this country prays to only One the True God who is Jesus Christ. Praying to anyone else is wasted prayers.
Do you think we should apologize? Do you think we have spoken to harshly? Have we hurt your feelings? We stand on the truth and that is it. We love our enemies, all of them.
Have a blessed day in the Lord, and if His Name is not the Name of the One True Living God Jesus Christ that we believe in then believe as you want. We will not change. We will not be quite anymore, and if you don't agree with us, and don't want to agree to disagree with us then in the words of the great and mighty editor of these sites then "just deal with it."

God's Bless,

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