Thursday, September 08, 2011


We are still talking about fasting and sacrifice. We are also looking at negative thinking and speaking as that is what the on-going 40 Day Fast we are showing is about.
In our beginning article we gave the meaning of these two words. Now lets go further in learning about the acts of fasting and sacrifice. We are asking that you review the following notes from LJG's research. There are also links you can go to for more info. We feel that reading this will give you a insight that will bless you in your growth in the Lord.

Fasting was, and still is, an important way to engage an uncluttered mind in prayer, as fasting, when done properly, will remove most, if not all distractions from your mindset. He modeled fasting, but did not demand it (Luke 4:2; Matt. 6:16-18)
Jesus recognized the importance of fasting, and said there would come a time when they would fast. Since the Bridegroom will not be there in person, they would fast in order to draw closer to Him in spirit and devotion (Acts 13:2; 14:23). There are times when we should fast, too!
Jesus is more concerned with our attitudes and motivations, not what we do on the outside. So, does that mean that what you do is not important? Why, or why not?
Fasting was, and still is an important way to engage an uncluttered mind in prayer, as fasting done properly will remove most, if not all, distractions from your mindset. What can you do to set up a plan to practice real, authentic fasting in order to draw nearer to God? Will you commit to this? Entire article here:

Set your hearts/affection/seek those things. Means to have understanding, to think, and to have a desire for real, bona fide truth. We are to think about Christ and consider what we have in Him to experience our new lives. Truth is something we want to learn for triumphant lives and effectual churches, something we want to live in. Again, the problem came from Plato's “shadow philosophy.” The Colossians were seeking, believing in the purity of God and Heaven thus seeking his “higher realms” and mystics while also believing in the carnality of the flesh. This is somewhat true, but the logical error is made in the conclusion that as long as we are in Christ, our connection to purity is maintained; thus, we can sin and live as we please. Paul emphatically fights this heinous notion. We have no right to sin deliberately thinking, I am already forgiven so it is OK to sin (Col. 1:9; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 1 Pet. 2:2)! Set your mind. Meaning to place Christ first. Bad thoughts and actions lead to bad lives, so we are called to purposefully focus ourselves on Christ, His precepts, and His presence. When we focus on Christ, our attention is off other things and distractions—even sin! Heavenly values will translate into earthy values when we are centered on Christ, allowing His work in and through us. Things above are heavenly matters;things below/on earth are our desires, agendas, and sin (Matt. 6:33; Rom. 8:5; Phil. 1:23; 4:8; 1 John 2:15-17).11. What can you do to fillyour thoughts and hopes with Christ so you do not think of your earthy predicaments and worries? Entire article here:

The practice of fasting is employed by believers throughout the Bible as a way of re-focusing their minds on God, repenting of sin, and reminding themselves that God provides for our needs.

Going without food for a period of time. In the Bible, fasting was usually done by people during a special time of praying to God, or to show sadness. (2 Chronicles 20:1-30; Isaiah 58; Acts 13:1-3)

Daniel 6:18
Then the king went to his palace, and passed the nightfasting: neither were instruments of musick brought before him: and his sleep went from him.

1 Corinthians 7:5
Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. ( And therefore they should not defraud one another of the use of their bodies, nor any other of the comforts of the conjugal state, appointed of God for keeping the vessel in sanctification and honour, and preventing the lusts of uncleanness, except it be with mutual consent (v. 5) and for a time only, while they employ themselves in some extraordinary duties of religion, or give themselves to fasting and prayer. Matthew Henry)

The effects of Fasting with prayer, when it is real and heartfelt, is that it humbles us (Psalm 35:13), disciplines and corrects our wrong behaviors and our thinking (Psalm 69:10), and even though we have grace, I believe when we are humble, God is more likely to respond to our prayers. (Ezra 8:21-23)! (whole article found here: It is a really good article to me at least. This is cute I just plain had to share it with you,

It's fine for Christians to fast and undertake other acts of devotion, but when we do, it's important not to make a big public act out of it. The goal should never be to get attention for ourselves, but to focus our thoughts on God.

This word just came to me meditate so I looked it up and this is what I found.

Dictionary meaning for·i·tate /ˈmɛdəˌteɪt/ verb
med·i·tates; med·i·tat·ed; med·i·tat·ing
[no obj] : to spend time in quiet thought for religious purposes or relaxation
▪ He meditates for an hour every morning.
meditate on/upon
[phrasal verb]
meditate on/upon (something) : to think about (something) carefully
▪ She meditated on whether or not to return to school. ▪ He was meditating upon the meaning of life.

THINK.. You should relax and try to think pleasant thoughts.Why do you always think the worst? There is more good thoughts on this site

As always we welcome your comments and questions.
God Bless

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