Tuesday, October 11, 2011



My beautiful sister Jackie posted this on Face Book today: ‘I’m past due for some normalcy’. Now I believe in giving credit where credit is due, so Jackie this is the result of your words.
I answered ‘Remember what is normal for one is not normal to another. Example: conjoined twins are normal to themselves.

What is normal to one is not always normal to another. What we accept as the right way to do something is entirely wrong to another. A great example of this is bath time. My personal belief is how you can crawl in bed to wake the next morning to take your bath. It has been explained to me that a bath in the morning starts your day off fresh and clean. So please explain to me how you can go to bed dirty, which in turn makes your sheets dirtier each time you do this, cause I know you do not change them every day. Therefore sleeping in the funk you have from the entire day. My take is you bathe at night, so you are fresh to lie on your sheets, to wake up the next morning clean. Nevertheless, who am I?

Another example would be gas in the car. My take is you fill up when you go to the station, using the ½ mark as an empty line. This way you NEVER run out of gas. Having lived in hurricane country both in Florida and along the coast of Louisiana, I am always prepared to go when the need arises, or the water. Numerous people I know put just enough to go where they are going this trip. Two miles to the grocery store means stopping and putting 3 dollars in, which is not even a gallon of gas.

How do the conjoined twins figure in all this? Years ago on television two young women were asked did they miss being normal. No, one said this is all we have ever known, this to us is normal.

There are many definitions for the word normal, we will go with what relates to the subject we are on: 2 a: according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle b: conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern 3: occurring naturally .
Being a Christian it is natural for us to thrive to live as Jesus would have us live, not deviating from His Word. What then is a normal Christian? Being a normal Christian is not something we are born with, but something that is acquired as we grow in the Lord. It also depends on the teaching that we receive. There are Christians that support abortions, gay rights, legal use of certain drugs, etc. Many Christians do not believe in speaking in tongues, laying on of hands, healing, etc. This is to them normal; does that then make it right? No, of course not. What makes something right or wrong? What makes it normal to God is if it lines up with His Word.

Today ponder on what is normal to Christ!

Be Blessed

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