Wednesday, February 29, 2012


If there is one major thing you can do on your end to really make direct contact with the Lord, it has to be that you seek directly after Him. And when I say seek directly after the Lord, I mean you spend some kind of good quality time in His Word so you can learn all that you can about Him and His ways, along with walking and talking with Him on a daily basis, freely praying and communicating to Him on a very regular basis.

Start opening up the conversation lines between you and God with you talking and praying to Him on a regular basis, and then combine that with reading and studying from His Word so you can gain more direct knowledge about Him, and I guarantee you God will start communicating back to you and will then start to show Himself to you in a wide variety of ways.

Here are two good Bible Verses for the Day that will prove this point for you:

1. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)

2. “… and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 4:29)

The first verse tells us if we first draw near to God, then God will draw near to us. In other words, you initiate seeking directly after God, and then God will come back and draw near to you.

The second verse tells us we will “find” God “if” we seek after Him with all of our heart and soul. And again, we are the ones to initiate seeking after God and if we do, then God will allow us to “find Him.”

These two verses are giving all Christians a major secret – and that major secret is that we will find God and make direct contact with Him, but only if we seek after Him and seek after Him with some level of intensity on our part, as the last verse tells us to seek after God with all of our heart and with all of our soul.

Again, this is one of the main reasons we have started up this kind of website, to give people a lot of the knowledge from the Bible about God, who He is, and all of the ways He wants us to follow in this life. By seeking after this kind of knowledge direct from God’s Word, you are satisfying the conditions of the above two verses, and from there, God will start to draw near to you and start to really interact back with you in your daily walk with Him.

For many more good verses on this topic and some good commentary on how to really do this with the Lord, please go to our article titled:

“Seeking After the Lord With All of Your Heart”

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