There is no difference today in the belief of miracles than there was in days of old. Throughout the ages there has been believers and non believers. Even many who see miracles happen can justify in their minds eyes that it is not real. Some who have been healed have allowed themselves to be talked out of their healing, because to others it is unheard of for it to be real.
Still, just as Jesus healed while He walked on earth, He has given us who believe the ability to speak healing on ourselves and others even today. His Word boldly says that 'by His strips we are healed.' (Isaiah 53:5) We love that scripture, it does not say -might be-, -can be-, -should be-, -ought to be-, -wish it could be-, NO it says 'we are healed.
If someone can not conceive of such a God, miracles are intellectually and emotionally off limits.
John LaFarge [son of the American printer John LaFarge] said it best and we quote, "For those that believe in God, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, no explanation is possible."
As for us "We are healed" we say it, we believe it, we know it! We will go to the Doctors and yes we will do what they say, all the while saying Yes even to the Doctors, 'All is well, we are healed." We thank the Lord for Doctors that understand and agree with us that we are. They can treat the symptoms while we continue to pray, believe and thank God for the manifestation of our healing to take place.
God Bless,
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