“As a good soldier of Christ Jesus you must endure your share of suffering.” 2 Timothy 2:3 CEV
Tommy Rieman was a teenager pumping gas inIndependence, Kentucky, when he enlisted in the United States Army. Today, he wears the Purple Heart and theSilver Star of an American hero! He was, in fact, introduced to the nation during President Bush’s 2007 State of the Union Address.
Now, there’s been much disagreement about the war in Iraq, but there’s no disagreement about the heroism of soldiers like Sgt. Rieman!
The day his squad was ambushed by enemy fire in the midst of a reconnaissance mission, they were outnumbered ten to one! Their vehicles kept moving as Sgt. Rieman dove into the backseat and used his body as a shield to protect his gunner! As they sped away from the ambush, they found themselves ambushed AGAIN by some fifty enemy attackers! Rieman was shot in the right arm, he was shot in the chest, he had shrapnel wounds to his chest and stomach and ear, and his squad was out of ammo! HOWEVER, IN SPITE OF HIS WOUNDS, Tommy Rieman began firing away with his
grenade launcher at their attackers! Finally, the enemy’s guns fell silent. ONLY THEN DID Sgt. Rieman began tending to his wounds and the wounded! That’s what you call a Certified Hero! Someone who’s been wounded – even badly wounded – and they still keep fighting! They realize, the Warfare Doesn’t Cease Because They’re Wounded…So With Everything They’ve Got…They Continue to Wield Their Weapons!
grenade launcher at their attackers! Finally, the enemy’s guns fell silent. ONLY THEN DID Sgt. Rieman began tending to his wounds and the wounded! That’s what you call a Certified Hero! Someone who’s been wounded – even badly wounded – and they still keep fighting! They realize, the Warfare Doesn’t Cease Because They’re Wounded…So With Everything They’ve Got…They Continue to Wield Their Weapons!
That’s what Spiritual Heroes do, too! In Spite of Their Wounds, They Continue to Wield Their Weapons, Knowing that the Warfare Doesn’t Stop Because They’ve Been Wounded!
Truth is, YOU may be one of those “Wounded But Still Wielding” soldiers! Or you may be in a position to rise to be one right now!
Either way, keep this in mind: Besides Jesus, there’s no greater example of this “wounded but still wielding kind of warrior” than the great Apostle Paul! Listen to his powerful personal testimony, recorded for us in 2 Corinthians 4, beginning with verse 8. He says, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”
He continues his testimony in chapter 6 with this report: “As servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger … dying, yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.“
I read this and had to ask myself, “So what’s your excuse, Shermaine for walking away from the warfare simply because you’re wounded?” Yes, I actually had to talk to myself! See, one of the Greatest Methods of Impact on Your Life when using the Word of God, is learning to Personalize it and Insert Your Own Name! For Example: “Shermaine has been hard pressed on every side, but she has not been crushed; Shermaine has been perplexed, but she is not in despair; Shermaine has been persecuted, but she has not been abandoned; Shermaine has been struck down, but she has not been destroyed.” “As a servant of God Shermaine has been in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger … dying, yet she lives on; beaten, and yet she’s not killed; sorrowful, and yet she’s always rejoicing; poor, yet she’s making many rich; having nothing, and yet she possesses everything.”
See, when you begin to Personalize the Word of God, it really clarifies your perspective! It helps you to better see that regardless to the wounds, you can continue on in the warfare and win!
Paul had been wounded over and over again – deeply wounded, but he continued fighting, just like Jesus! And just like so many of His followers over the years who’ve been bloodied, but unbowed!
Sadly, however, some of us get wounded and we don’t respond, in Paul’s words, as “good soldiers of Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3)! It’s all too easy to respond to being hit with self-pity and self-centeredness! It’s the “poor me” routine, which simply focuses YOU on YOUR wounds, letting them define who you are and even how you treat others! Because truthfully, many respond to their wounds with bitterness as their behavior, anger as their attitude, and a disrespectful disposition to make matters worse! Some get wounded and start shutting down or giving up! But a spiritual warrior
realizes that the fight is more important than his feelings; the cause is more important than his condition! Because as hurt as they are, THEY ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES IN WAR, NOR ARE THEY THE ONLY ONES WOUNDED!
realizes that the fight is more important than his feelings; the cause is more important than his condition! Because as hurt as they are, THEY ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES IN WAR, NOR ARE THEY THE ONLY ONES WOUNDED!
It could be that your wounds have caused you to begin giving up the fight! Don’t do it! Keep fighting for your marriage, keep fighting for that child of yours, keep fighting for the hard hearts you’ve been praying for, keep fighting for that ministry, that church, that calling from God! You serve a Savior who was attacked, brutalized and crushed, and yet He refused to turn back until He’d won the battle for your soul! If He didn’t give up, and His power resides within you…what Acceptable Excuse Can You Possibly Give For Giving Up Now?!
Yes, you’re wounded, but keep fighting! One day the battle will be over. You’ll be home, and you will be rewarded by the King of all kings!
How will you be rewarded? Let’s take a brief look at the Book of Revelation to Reveal What Just a Few of Your Rewards Look Like For Continuing to Wield Your Weapons…Even After Being Wounded:
“…to him who overcomes (is victorious), I will grant to eat [of the fruit] of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.” (Revelation 2:7);
“…To him who overcomes (conquers), I will give to eat ofthe manna that is hidden, and I will give him a white stone with a new name engraved on the stone, which no one knows or understand except he who receives it.” (Revelation 2:17);
“…he who overcomes (is victorious) and who obeys My commands to the [very] end [doing the works that please Me], I will give him authority and power over the nations;” (Revelation 2:26);
“He who overcomes (is victorious), I will grant him to sitbeside Me on My throne, as I Myself overcame (was victorious) and sat down beside My Father on His throne.” (Revelation 3:21).
Listen Overcomers: There’s far too much fruit at the end of the fight to give up now! So Inspite of Your Wounds…Keep Wielding Your Weapons! You Will Ultimately Win the War!
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