"Not many should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive a stricter judgment;"
It is serious business to become a leader and a teacher for the Lord. We are held to a higher standard. We are human and will make mistakes and stumble in sin, but we are expected to live as exemplary of a life for the Lord as we can. Many eyes are upon us a teachers. What we teach, we must do or others will not want to learn from us. God will hold us accountable for what we teach, as well. We need to be prayed up and studied up before we teach. We need to know God's Word and teach it accurately.
So James is really imparting some important instructions to us in this verse. Not everyone is meant to be a teacher. It is a calling and a gift from the Lord. So if you like the idea that you could inspire others and could impart wisdom to them, think twice. Those are not the reasons to teach. Your reason should be the fact that the Lord has called you to teach and given you the gifts you will need.
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