Sunday, September 29, 2013


Beautiful songs that we love to hear and sing.  It is so easy to actually say these 'Words,' but do we actually act on them?  Imagine if you will that you are driving down the interstate at the posted speed limit.  You are singing away 'God is in Control' suddenly from your blind side you see a car speeding into the side of your car.  Are you ready?  'JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL'  did you do it?  Be honest, did you take your hands off and let 'Him' take the wheel in control? 
Now I don't know about you personally, but I have been in a wreck.  My first thought was to follow any spin, drive into it, never apply the brakes.  My action was to turn the wheel, to try to get away. Nothing, no action of mine was going to prevent the collision, though my action might help prevent a worst collision, or possibility make it worst.  But that is not the question here, this is the question, "Did I let go and let Jesus take the wheel?"  
It is so hard for many of us to actually really just let go and let Jesus.  Even those of us that believe He can, also have been taught 'Faith without Works is Dead.'  Where do we step back and 'Let Him' do His thing?  
This is where all that pre-praying comes into account.   If we have a close personal relationship with Him, then we will hear His voice.  And even those that do not, if they will listen will hear that soft quiet voice say what to do.  Unfortunately many of us are not in tune to Him or His voice.  God amazes us as we hear stories of people, like the young man we shared earlier this week, who repeatedly heard the same thing. [Call on the Lord of Abraham...(9/26/2013]  As what looked tragic in the eyes to some was 'God In Control;'  leading this man to a personal relationship with Christ Jesus, whom we remember did not even believe in Him.
God does not always show us His plan, even though He is in control.  The thing that comes to mind is 'JESUS'  'LORD' call His Name, there is nothing greater than His Name, never forget this, if nothing else comes to your mind.  The young man lifted his hands to the one he believed in and heard nothing, then he lifted his hands to God, and then his answer came.  How much more will God do for those of us that do know and believe in Him?
God's Blessing on each one of you today.

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